There's a New Metaverse Coming BIG TECH Doesn't Want You To See...

2 years ago

The Metaverse... it's a topic that's been discussed alot lately. It's a topic I've brought up alot lately. It's a topic that needs to be talked about though... We're at the cusp of one of the most critical moments in the history of virtual reality technology, and whether you're ready for it or not, a technological revolution is happening in the VR and AR spaces right now. Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and even Nvidia have all announced their own work on their own respective Metaverses to varying degrees by now so it's no surprise that we will see a drastic shift in the market over the next few years. It is important for us, all of us, if we truly care about the future of VR tech and what it CAN be, and the future of the Metaverse, to stand up and do something about it. And you might think, well what can I do? I'm just one person. And yes you are. But I am also a single person. And the person next to you is also a single person, and the all the people around you are all individually single people. But if we work together, we can accomplish almost anything we put our minds to. In fact... even by ourselves, we can enact remarkable change without others helping us.

I would like to show you something to prove to you that, one person, even a handful of people can make a huge difference in the world around them, and ask you to think about what might be possible if enough people realized that and worked together to accomplish incredible things. There CAN be alternatives to what facebook wants the Metaverse to be. And they can be ours, the players, to be the way we want it to be, to put the power in the player's hands.

Project Universe is a scifi themed MMORPG in development now that is headed up and owned by founder Michael Boisson. Him and a small team of volunteers and developers, have spearheaded this extremely ambitious project to create not just a video game, but a system of learning that can evolve and change over time. An online persistent world where you can craft, mine, explore, farm, fly through space, socialize with friends, shop for real world items in game, and even learn real world skills, critical thinking and problem solving. Project Universe exceeds and even denies the pre conceived notions of what a simple video game can and should be. The game is encouraging voluntary collaboration between people while entertaining and teaching individuals how to both play and work responsibly in space. It will be open source, accessible to almost everyone, and will include desktop, mobile, VR and AR support. Though it won't have a Metaverse available at launch, the game is being developed and constructed with an expansion into a Metaverse-like system in mind in the long term. The games existence proves that anyone can enact the change they wish to see in the world at any time and make a differance in their own way. Founder and CEO Michael Boisson, knows this better than anyone and that is the exact reason he started Project Universe to begin with.

Project Universe website:
Project Universe twitter:

#metaverse #projectuniverse #meta

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