Tony Fauci - & - “Death Star” moon could be hosting life👇

2 years ago

It was very Simple... You take an infectious agent and you introduce it to a population"

----------->>>Scientists from the Southwest Research Institute claim they’ve discovered “compelling evidence” of a “stealth ocean world” on Saturn’s icy moon of Mimas, which could be harboring life in our solar system.

So far, Saturn’s Enceladus and Jupiter’s Europa have been considered the prime candidates for life, as they both have an internal heat source that allows the existence of water, which aliens could use to exist.

But Mimas – nicknamed after the “Death Star” space station from the “Star Wars” franchise due to a large crater on its side – hasn't been showing any signs of such activity, being viewed by astronomers as “just a frozen block of ice.”

Does Saturn have any vaxx mandates?

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