#TheGreatReset #BuildBackBetter

2 years ago

Build back better? What exactly are these demonic paedovore entities wanting to build back better?

Does Building back better look like tracking, testing and tracing healthy law abiding citizens… While paedophiles get to roam the earth as if they were free?

Does building back better mean humanity will own nothing and be happy?

Does building back better look like taking away our jobs, our freedoms & limiting access to our own families?

Does building back better look like Coercing healthy human beings to take ex-amounts of poisonous jabs to “benefit” our immune system?

Is building back better Digitising & Controlling how & where we spend our own money?

building back better but allowing themselves access to kidnap, sodomise and eat little helpless children?

What exactly are these demonic humanoids building back better?

Think while it’s still legal. 🧠

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