Another Very Interesting Interview!

2 years ago

I just watched a very interesting but controversial interview. I have been a fan of LondonReal for quite some time now . LondonReal just crossed 2m subscribers not too long ago. I hope he doesn't get deplatformed for allowing David to get broadcasted live on his channel. LondonReal is a channel where a couple of their documentaries changed my view on life and motivated me to push further in my own journey. Especially his interview with David Goggins, Brian Rose's journey of healing doing a plant medecine ceremony and so much more. He interviews all types of people with different backgrounds and opinions. I just love the diversity of people he brings to the table.
As some of you know, David Icke was deplatformed by Youtube a while ago now for his controversial opinions but he is a fighter for the freedom of humanity. So even if I don't agree with all of his views, he does deliver an important message and I felt the need to share this with all of you.
Part of healing yourself is working on your insecurities, fears and being okay with hearing alternative opinions without lashing out or letting your emotions getting the best of you. Hearing another point of view is crucial to your development, as uncomfortable as it is sometimes. Of course bathing everyday on alternative opinions is NOT good for your mental health either. You just got to find that right balance between focusing on positivity most of the time and being okay seeing or hearing uncomfortable or alternative opinions. Agree to disagree is always best approach IMO.
I hope you have a great day!
Much love your way!


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