Cats Do Like To Be Outside. Why Cats Like Outdoors And Cats Like Outside. Risks and Benefits.

2 years ago

16 Cats Do Like To Be Outside. Why Cats Like Outdoors And Cats Like Outside. Risks and Benefits. Cat's favorite place outdoors and why cats favor outdoors. Educational video about cats and video about cats facts.

So, how to learn about cats and learn about cats behavior? What are good things to learn about cats and things to know about cats as pets? Lets decipher many house cat facts in this cat tips and facts video series.

We will learn about cat behavior meaning and different cat behaviors and what they mean and what cat behaviors really mean. After you learn how to understand cat behavior you will essentially know how to understand cat. And you will receive answer to the question - why do cats behave strangely.
So, lets explore cats and keep learning cats by learning cats behaviour.

This is a series of cat fact videos including some cat facts you didn’t know. And there are things about cats you didn’t know but those are things about cats you should know, especially, if you have a cat or plan to get a pet cat or have cat as a pet in your home or house or apartment.

So, watch these videos with things you need to know about cats and learn some cool things about cats. Among best things about cats is that you can enjoy practically every moment of interaction with your pet cat.
Therefore, these are educational videos about cats with cool facts about cats things you wanna know.

This cat video series include pet cat care tips and pet care tips for cats. Hopefully, learning cat facts and facts about pet cats will help you to learn how to keep a pet cat or how to keep a cat generally.

There are good reasons why are cats pets. Many reasons for the fact why cats are the best pets are explored in these cat videos.

Learn how take care of cats and how to care for a pet cat. Find out cat tips for beginners as well as cat tips and hacks in this cat hacks video. #lovecats #catloversclub #kittylove


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now do cats like outdoors do cats like to be outside do cats favor outdoors and what is cats or cat cats favorite place outdoors considering that cat is still not heavily domesticated animal for millions of years it was wild animal cats do more many cats and many cats do favor to be outside whether it's outside somewhere far away from home or just outside by the home you know by the entrance on the balcony they do like to be outside and they do spend a lot of time outside because uh you know they can observe they get bored at home they can observe things people grass insects and other things and the a little bit of danger of them being outdoors they start expressing more you know wildish behaviors because uh it kind of the instinct is still too strong but if you take care of your cat and you know your cat may you know it's not a big deal so the simple question answer to this question if whether cats like to be outdoors or want to be outside most cats do like to be outdoors most cats like to go outside at least for some time during the day or during the night and like as i told in previous video if you want to keep your cat inside make sure your cat has enough physical exercise at home enough things to do at home toys i don't know how little cat houses toys other things what are so many things on the market specifically to keep your cat happy at home so that's what you do you should get something for your cat to make sure that your cat doesn't want to go outside it has enough things to for its physical activities and mental activities too at home of course those cats that are outside and go outside they toughen up a little they're more you know suited for you know life unexpected things in life events because they encounter in the wild i'm going to go outdoors they encounter more dangerous potential dangerous situations or other situations which they do not encourage encounter at home so um i would at least allow cat at least to peek outside to see what's going on outside would i wouldn't keep cat like in prison without windows without balconies without anything else at home that would be very cruel so being outside is a great mental exercise and physical exercise for cats that's why sometimes i roll my rom miles and mouths every day from houses to houses from neighbor to neighbor it's if they're learning stuff they're learning to be a cat they're learning about the world so generally it's a good thing for them uh but the danger is again they can get into fight with other cats get sick or get some parasites and that's a problem those dangers need to balance those dangers with the benefits of cats being outside but they do enjoy cats do enjoy being outside they cats enjoy being outdoors also allegedly cats who go outside more often are less likely to become obese because of physical activity because of movement because they burn a lot of calories compared to those fat cats who sit on on the bed all day long but it also depends on food and how you feed it i personally found that some of modern food for cats is as bad as food for humans it contains art so much artificial stuff that cats becoming obese and that's cruel so i would feed my cat for example i would sometimes feed him uh and i know other people who feed him kind of natural food you know some meat some fish some some chicken some stuff like that something that you eat sometimes you need to research what you can and cannot give to your cat but but not only i would mix not only dry food i would also give wet food and some other food and also i would feed your cat well to make sure that when your cat is outside outdoors it doesn't eat you know some some stuff that it shouldn't eat so if you have a backyard house a backyard that may garden or your house is in the countryside it makes sense to let cat go outside if you live in a very urban environment i i didn't let my cat outside when i lived in a large city because you know it can get hurt get under the car and it just not the place for cat to be so and my cat eventually learned to be at home and he wouldn't he even jumped from balcony couple a couple of times but he never went more than you know 100 yards away from the balcony he would come back and just sit there wait for me to come down and pick him up that happened so it happened several times so cats do get adjusted to home and to you and keep just keep your cat safe but cats do like to be outside especially at the young age

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