WAKEUP CALL-MASSUPPVAKNANDET: Pandemins Motsägelser och Agenda 21 - David Icke med Läkare

2 years ago

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A well documented summary about the misleading p(l)andemi.
The deep state elites, the 1%, used a fake pandemi to take power and controlus, 99%.
They created great fear & confusion with the help of so called politicians and FAKE news media. Waited for response from us 99% who directly fell into their trap and waited for a solution.
The presented a stick in the arm that has nothing to do with our immunity. The medical mafia is continuing to play the game with more and more boosters.

Some speak swedish. What Dr Mikeal Nordfors say is there is no pandemi.
So far over 25 countries and 130 groups have tried to isoloate so called this v-thing. But unable to do so in any shape or form. Its just a computer generated sequence code. thats it. And question is how can they create injections for something that doesnt exist?

En sammanfattning av den stora missledande pandemin. Som används i förmån av makteliten för att centralisera makt och införa totalitär kontroll med ursäkten att det är för befolkningens hälsa och säkerhet...

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