Third Sunday in Advent

3 years ago

On this Sunday where we light the pink candle of joy, we gather to hear about the ministry of John the Baptist. John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare people’s hearts for the ministry of Jesus, yet John the Baptist was put in prison by King Herod who refused to heed John’s message that he should repent of his sin of adultery. In prison, John the Baptist called sent messengers to Jesus, asking Him if He was the Promised Christ. Though John faced both belief and doubt in his great time of trouble, John shows us where to go when we are facing such things, to Jesus. Jesus is doing great signs and wonders and preaching the Gospel to the poor. God grants John the Baptist faith to accept his lot in life, death by the sword. Though trouble beset our path, the Gospel of Jesus, the salvation He brings, and the things that He does, gives us courage to face our troubles, and to live and die in His peace.

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