Dr. Oz challenges "petty tyrant" Fauci to debate on vaxx mandate, natural immunity, early treatment

2 years ago

The narrative is collapsing like a house of cards and so are loyalty ties. It seems cult leader Anthony 'The Science' Fauci, who could do no wrong according to the majority almost two years ago, is going down like a maffia boss.


The challenge is a debate. I'm challenging him [Fauci], doctor to doctor, to actually argue about the merits of vaccine mandates, about ignoring naturally acquired immunity. So if you've actually had the illness, why would[n't] that count as protecting you like it has for all of known human history?

And what about these inexcusable delays with therapeutics? I'm not just talking about right now, although it is a catastrophe now that we don't have monoclonal antibodies and any of the pills that we think might work, but some of these pills have been around since before COVID started, so what gives?

How is it possible that in America, which is 4% of the world population, we have 15% of the world deaths? I think dr. Fauci is basically the J. Edgar Hoover of public health. He's a petty tyrant, he got COVID wrong, he continues to get it wrong. I keep hearing from people inside the public health space and outside, regular doctors like me, that he's not managing this correctly.

So let's get to the root cause of why this is occurring. And I wanna specifically go over the issues that they've been so confident about, that they've gotten diametrically wrong.


Episode 251 of The HighWire (segment start at around 1h08m):

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