Moon Landing Mysteries - Was Moon Landing Faked? - Part 2

2 years ago

Moon Landing Mysteries - Was Moon Landing Faked? (Part 2)

In previous episode we discussed some of the conspiracy theories regarding moon landing. In this episode we will discuss some more conspiracy theories and we will try to see if there are any clarifications provided by NASA or other experts on the topic, and let viewers decide the authenticity of the facts. We will start now.

Conspiracy Theory Number 6. The Shadow Anomaly.
Some of the images taken on moon have shadows which appear technically incorrect. For example, in this picture the shadow of the astronaut and the antenna are casted on the surface of the moon but they are not parallel to each other.
Bill Kaysing made a point that if there is only one light source then the shadow should appear parallel but, in this picture, it seems that there are more than one light source which prove that the moon landing was faked.

Experts say that the shadow in some lunar landing pictures appear non parallel because of several reasons and few of them are as follows.
1. The shadows are not parallel because of the perspective viewing. If you look parallel lines from different perspective they may appear as non-parallel.
2. On moon sun is the main source of illumination but it is not the only source of illumination. The surface of the moon also reflects some light. Several shadow anomalies are because of the reflected light of lunar surface.

Conspiracy Theory Number 7. Surviving Van Allen radiation belt.
Earth is surrounded by a radiation field known as the ‘Van Allen’ radiation belt. The radiation belt can kill a human being if they stay there for prolonged period. Conspiracy theorists claim that astronauts could have not survived the van Allen radiation and that is why moon landing was a hoax.

The experts say that the van Allen belt has the inner belt, the outer belt and the transient belt. The inner belt is the most dangerous while as the outer belt is the less dangerous. The Apollo moon mission passed through the inner belt in a matter of few minutes while as it took them around 90 minutes to pass through the outer belt. Furthermore, the astronauts were properly shielded by the radiation by the aluminum hulls in the spacecraft. The experts further concluded that the total radiation dose by each astronaut absorbed during passing through van Allen radiation zone was not more than absorbed by technicians working in nuclear energy field for a year, which is well within the safety levels.

Conspiracy Theory Number 8. Footage without Camera.

One of the pictures taken during the moon landing was put forward by conspiracy theorists which was taken by Neil Armstrong himself but in Buzz Aldrin’s visor we can see that there is no camera in Armstrong’s hand.

The answer to that allegation was given that, that particular picture was taken by a camera which was mounted on a front of suit of Neil Armstrong. That feature on the suit was provided to give astronauts more mobility.

Conspiracy Theory Number 9. NASA astronauts were killed.
After the first manned moon landing, 10 Apollo personnel died in different strange accidents which ranged from crashes, collisions and fires. Conspiracy Theorists immediately alleged a foul play by saying that they were killed to cover up fake moon landing.
Irrespective of the accidents which killed NASA and US Air Force personals no evidence of foul play was found even though bill Kaysing was convinced that the were killed to cover up “fake moon landing”.

Conspiracy Theory Number 10. The Lost Tapes.
Many of you would be surprised to know that the original tapes which had the video of first moon landing recorded, are lost!
During the year 2000 a team of retired NASA employees and contractors tried their best to find the original tapes of the moon landing but were unable to do so.
The conspiracy theorists have been adding this point in a list of other points that the original tapes were destroyed to cover up the fake moon landing.

So far NASA has given an official statement that during NASA’s Landsat Program in 1980, there was a severe data tape shortage and most likely the original moon landing tapes were erased and used at that time. NASA officials further said that to reuse the old tapes was a standard operating procedure during 1980’s.

Thanks to:
SmithSonian Channel

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