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For Our Good

3 years ago

God cares for us! Providentially so. We all have needs, that is a given and we all have wants. I am sure we can think of things right now that we really, really want. We have things we want, and strive for that we don’t need. This is so true. We want so much. This is a part of our human condition, to want more than we need. I do it so often. The cool thing is that our God, He has provided us with everything we need on this day. It is our wants that make us feel like we lack, but the truth is we don’t lack, we have what we need today. God works like that, day to day, God is taking care of our needs. Today, you have exactly what you need. God is an amazing Creator and He maintains what He creates. For our good and for His glory, these are the two purposes in play in the Providential Care of God. God uses all things at His disposal very creatively, for the good of our lives and for the glory of His Kingdom. I love this about God! This is a very majestic attribute of God, His Providential Care, the blessing of being His, the benefits He showers us with in our lives. We experience this care of God every single day. God’s purposes are always in play in our lives, creating good lives for us and glory for His Kingdom. The goodness of God is just like we see in these majestic mountain views, it is incredible, in its abundance and beautiful in its purpose. God bless you much! Enjoy your day and thank God for His provision and care. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/missionary-prayer-journey-3/