The Age of Aliens

2 years ago

#aliens #doaliensexist
The Age of Aliens
The existence of aliens has not been fully proved yet, Scientists have been trying to understand, explore and figure out their existence but it still seems a long way to go before they can reach on some conclusion.

In last few years we have come to know some strange facts which provide a very strong case on the existence of aliens. In today’s video we will give you 6 findings which may prove the existence of the aliens and their possible visit to Planet Earth.

Number 1. UFOs acknowledged by the World Governments.
With the increased number of UFO sightings all over the world, it seems that the world governments have finally started to acknowledge them as an undescribed and unknown entities. The official name given to this factor is “unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAP).
In 2020, American Navy released three videos under the freedom of Information act. The videos were captured by navy fighter aircrafts between 2004 – 2015. The videos show amazing entities moving at amazing speeds. Actually, this footage is one of a kind because it is released by government authorities themselves. However, experts of the field are not ready to link them to any alien activity yet.
Number 2. Black Holes – energy hole for aliens.
Just like wild animals come to water holes in forest to replenish themselves, black holes can be important to intelligent Alien civilizations as much as water hole is to wild animals.
An article published in “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society “mentioned a strange fact about black holes. Black holes can hold up to 100000 times more energy than our sun. An alien race looking for sources of energy to reach our galaxy can use a black hole “Sagittarius A” which us in center of our galaxy to power up their mission. If any scientifically advanced intelligent Alien species knows about our galaxy, then it is only a matter of time before they can be observed stealing energy from our black hole.
Number 3. Alien habitat – unlike earth.

We know many species on Earth who live in environment which don’t seem conducive to life, for example, the deepest and harshest place for life on earth, “Mariana trench” hosts life forms like bacteria, crustaceans, sea cucumber, octopuses and several fish.
There are high possibilities that the planets’ life might seem impossible, but it may actually be fostering some sort of life which we do not know about yet, because we are looking for life on exoplanets in habitable zones.

This concept was also mentioned in “Astrophysical Journal” in 2021.
There are high chances that life can be flourishing on oceans of Hycean planets which are abundantly available in our solar system and they are quite larger than the earth.
Number 4. Enceladus – Proof of Life?
Saturn has 53 named moons with other 29 moons who are still un-named and awaiting confirmation from scientific fraternity. Among its moons, Enceladus is its sixth-largest moon.
In 2005, Cassini orbiter discovered a lot about Enceladus. We came to know that Enceladus has geysers which are spewing water and ice into the space. It is thought that Enceladus has a huge ocean and several compounds like dihydrogen and variety of carbon containing organic compounds. Experts estimated that there is a high chance that microbes may exist on Enceladus. Microbes consume dihydrogen and produce methane; methane is responsible for the gas producing geysers on Enceladus.
Number 5. Alien-Interstellar Junk.
In 2017, University of Hawaii’s Pan-Starrs-1 telescope sighted the first interstellar object “Oumuamua” in our solar system. The object was thought to be comet, though it showed no signs of comet after it sling-shotted past the sun. For a short period, it was also termed as asteroid, but it defied all classifications. You can find more about “Oumuamua” by clicking the link above the screen.

Because of its strange behavior, Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb mentioned in his book “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” that Oumuamua is a piece of Alien Technology. Avi Loeb further mentioned that “Oumuamua” could be a piece of abandoned alien technology which has entered our solar system by accident. However, several other astrophysicists do not agree with avi Loeb. They think that “Oumuamua” is just an odd comet.

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