Tucker Carlson 20 Jan 2022

2 years ago

Tucker and the rest of us populists aren't interested in provoking a shooting war with Russia, so of course the rest of the ankle biting MSM have to attack. Tonight's open focuses on the impending foreign policy disaster unfolding in Ukraine. Col. Douglas MacGregor, a true patriot and hopefully the future Secretary of Defense joins Tucker to break down this issue.
Next comes the "wet cleanup in Aisle 3" about election theft. The feckless, incompetent regime has set up the dems to get absolutely shellacked in the midterms, so of course this isn't because of their feckless policies it's because the entire electoral system hasn't been revamped.
Interesting Cultural story next as Jimmy Dore joins Tucker to discuss the cringy Howard Stern twitter tirade about the unvaxxed and Oprah Winfrey. The dude can now see his own mortality clearly in the mirror and his future is barreling towards him and he's afraid. You will never see a mortal's fear of death more clearly demonstrated by this story.
Final Exam is back with Jesse Watters and Dana Perino. I will they'd have left it where ever they were hiding it. It is stupid and denegrates the seriousness of this important show (IMO).
Finally, the Marxists running NYC removed the iconic statue of Teddy Roosevelt from in front of the American Museum of Natural History where it has stood for 80 years. Erasing our history day by day. That's their plan.

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