10 Your Cat Plays On Furniture? You Can Save Furniture. How To Train A Cat To Not Jump On Furniture.

2 years ago

Cat plays on furniture and how to train a cat to not jump on furniture? Educational video about cats and video about cats facts 10

So, how to learn about cats and learn about cats behavior? What are good things to learn about cats and things to know about cats as pets? Lets decipher many house cat facts in this cat tips and facts video series.

We will learn about cat behavior meaning and different cat behaviors and what they mean and what cat behaviors really mean. After you learn how to understand cat behavior you will essentially know how to understand cat. And you will receive answer to the question - why do cats behave strangely.
So, lets explore cats and keep learning cats by learning cats behavior.

This is a series of cat fact videos including some cat facts you didn’t know. And there are things about cats you didn’t know but those are things about cats you should know, especially, if you have a cat or plan to get a pet cat or have cat as a pet in your home or house or apartment.

So, watch these videos with things you need to know about cats and learn some cool things about cats. Among best things about cats is that you can enjoy practically every moment of interaction with your pet cat.
Therefore, these are educational videos about cats with cool facts about cats things you wanna know.

How To Care For A Cat.

This cat video series include pet cat care tips and pet care tips for cats. Hopefully, learning cat facts and facts about pet cats will help you to learn how to keep a pet cat or how to keep a cat generally.

There are good reasons why are cats pets. Many reasons for the fact why cats are the best pets are explored in these cat videos.

Learn how take care of cats and how to care for a pet cat. Find out cat tips for beginners as well as cat tips and hacks in this cat hacks video. #cats #cat #catlover

Music from: www.bensound.com
Stock footage www.pexels.com, www.unsplash.com.

there is no doubt that cats especially young cats when they are trained they like to jump on furniture they like to climb furniture they like to climb around the the you know the room and the whatever house apartment they like to climb somewhere up and sometimes just play there throw things down on the floor and sometimes just sit there and observe surroundings that's that's typical cat behavior cats excellent climbers and they like to go up now

next question will be how to try how to train a cat to not jump on furniture now there are multiple ways to do that first of all when they get older they stop doing that but when young cat jumps on furniture uh there are more effective ways in less effective ways so first of all screaming and yelling and throwing things that cat is not effective cats will not understand why are you doing it and it may understand it may not it may just get scared stressed get angry then you'll have bad relationships with your kid then you get with crashes and anyway people make mistakes trying trying to push their authority on cats cats are not animals for authority so to stop uh auto training kate from jumping under the furniture essentially cats is playing when it's jumping on the furniture uh one thing you can do is uh have a little bit of balls like a bottle of water spray right a little bit of spray a bottle spray bottle and spray when cat jumps on the furniture that you don't want cat to be on uh spray a little bit of that water just a little bit on the cat and cat will understand this is not you know the connection between it jumping on the furniture and the water and it will stop doing that now um if you don't want cat to be on the sofa uh or chairs you know what i wouldn't really go that far because cats like a nice chair so nice sofa as long as they don't scratch them they're fine but like i'm talking about like cats jumping on kitchen counters or cats jumping and crawling around somewhere on the wardrobe and you know tearing clothes down throwing vases down that kind of stuff mischievous behavior not innocent behavior not just relaxing somewhere on the top and the kitchen counter obviously because it's hygiene issues so uh you can use water you can use this you can at any time uh you can have a certain word like no uh or stop that cat would understand it shouldn't be doing it and you say that word and take it and put the cat down very often cats if you have good uh mutually respectful relationship with the cat may very often cat will understand uh even without drastic measures that for example he or she shouldn't jump on the kitchen uh table or way or somewhere else when you repeat this you know the snow or stop regularly like my cat initially obviously used to jump on kitchen table kitchen counters eventually without the water without the drastic measures without yelling screaming we were able to train him not to do that and he knew that he can come and he can sit in the chair and watch observe but he cannot climb he cannot jump on on uh bookshelves he cannot jump on like we didn't have piano like here but cats love pianos for some reason by the way but uh kate understood that shouldn't be doing that right just my kid just understood it because you know i i pressed that issue a number of times maybe 10 maybe 15 maybe 20 times maybe 30 times but eventually it's like a child you train it but uh otherwise i will i would let cat do whatever it wants as long as it doesn't damage stuff so cat crawling furniture jumping on furniture generally it's just normal cat's behavior there's nothing wrong about it and cats is playing and if cat is smart enough it wouldn't really do damage because it's cats are very careful and uh ex you know prohibiting that behavior uh should have also have its own limits because you know if you take cat in your house you should understand cat is gonna do cat stuff all right cat is not it's not gonna be your slave it's never going to happen so cats jumping on furniture is just normal behavior it's fine as long as it doesn't damage your stuff hopefully you and your cat will have excellent behavior and i'll see you in the next video and you can see links below about cat stuff more stuff links below in the description to this video see you

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