9 Why Cats Sleep With You Or Next To You? Things About Cats You Should Know. How to Understand Cat.

2 years ago

Why cats sleep with you? why do cats sleep with you or why do cats sleep next to you? Can cats sleep with you? Lets figure out. Educational video about cats and video about cats facts 9.

So, how to learn about cats and learn about cats behavior? What are good things to learn about cats and things to know about cats as pets? Lets decipher many house cat facts in this cat tips and facts video series.

We will learn about cat behavior meaning and different cat behaviors and what they mean and what cat behaviors really mean. After you learn how to understand cat behavior you will essentially know how to understand cat. And you will receive answer to the question - why do cats behave strangely.
So, lets explore cats and keep learning cats by learning cats behaviour.

This is a series of cat fact videos including some cat facts you didn’t know. And there are things about cats you didn’t know but those are things about cats you should know, especially, if you have a cat or plan to get a pet cat or have cat as a pet in your home or house or apartment.

So, watch these videos with things you need to know about cats and learn some cool things about cats. Among best things about cats is that you can enjoy practically every moment of interaction with your pet cat.
Therefore, these are educational videos about cats with cool facts about cats things you wanna know.

This cat video series include pet cat care tips and pet care tips for cats. Hopefully, learning cat facts and facts about pet cats will help you to learn how to keep a pet cat or how to keep a cat generally.

There are good reasons why are cats pets. Many reasons for the fact why cats are the best pets are explored in these cat videos.

Learn how take care of cats and how to care for a pet cat. Find out cat tips for beginners as well as cat tips and hacks in this cat hacks video. #catlovers #catlife #pets

Music from: www.bensound.com
Stock footage www.pexels.com, www.unsplash.com.

hello again we could keep talking about different cat behaviors and what they mean how to understand your cat's behavior and why do cats behave so strangely sometimes we think so today quick topic is why cats sleep with with you why can't sleep with us why do cats sleep with you why do cats sleep next to you sometimes every night and can they sleep with you first of all if there is no it's not the problem majority of cats do that they sleep with their owners on their bed or on top of their owners and that can have many different meanings first of all don't get too excited if cat sleeps as you uh sometimes just it could be just cold and because uh you are a source of uh warmth and cat two cat just gets closer because that's it is it is warmer uh when you have several you know bodies around that's what my cat did when it was cold and when we lived in a very hot climate in the desert cats my cat sometimes just ignored me and just slipped and slept on his own because it was just too hot for us to share the bed together another reason why cats sleep with you or why cat sleeps with you it could be they're just trying to bond with you maybe they actually like you because you take care of them you're a good owner and so sleeping on your bed on top of you is essentially a form of bonding uh maintaining a relationship and also possibly maintaining cats ownership of you you know cat slips on you so nobody would come and so that other cats wouldn't come in the middle of the night i wouldn't steal you from them because you know you're a good owner you feed well you take care of them so they you know they have to maintain control and when they sleep they cannot control you right so the sleep on top of you make sure that you know if you move start going somewhere okay they immediately catch up and won't let other cats take you away from your cat basically another reason could be cited by special veterinarians and specialists could be that your cat sleeps with you or sleeps in your bed and can't sleep with you it's not a problem because for them for cat it's more secure it's kind of you know because we live in a dangerous world in the eyes of a cat and this may be true and instinctively it's safer large numbers are safer right so they sleep more next to you because you know somehow in their mind it's safer to to do so at night so essentially they feel more secure and coming back to the ownership essentially when cat sleeps with you on your bed on your bedroom it's kind of marking their territory because you you think you own them but get things that get on you uh and a territory and a bed and everything so it's like a very intimate moment but in terms of ownership and marketing territory this is my territory this is where my owner sleeps so it means it should be where i sleep okay because it should be my territory since my owner sleeps here so essentially cats are market when they sleep with you they're marking their territory uh some people report that cats were sleeping on some their body parts which were sick like somebody had sick liver cats lived there somebody was sick i had brain height or some time ago and my cat was sleeping for some time for a few days at least on my chest and actually it was helping the cat was warming me up and kind of helping me get over the bronchitis so this also happens sometimes cats feel owners sickness and they they absorb negative energy basically and they can warm things they do some they do you know there's some stuff that we don't know about the world and it could be that too they do feel they do treat people in a way and finally cats sleep with can sleep with you can't sleep with you um because they accepted you as their uh pride essentially uh you're a member of their pride like lions and your member of their family they accepted you as member of your family and so it's like it has to do with bonding but it also has to do with the fact that you are same family and you know they see it as a kind of family bonding see more links down in description about cats and cat stuff and i will see you in the next video

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