6 How A Cat Shows It Loves You? How A Cat Shows Love And Affection? How to understand cat behavior

2 years ago

V6. How a cat shows it loves you? How a cat shows love and how do cats show love? How do cats show you they love you and how cats show they love you? And how cats show they trust you? Educational video about cats and video about cats facts 6.

So, how to learn about cats and learn about cats behavior? What are good things to learn about cats and things to know about cats as pets? Lets decipher many house cat facts in this cat tips and facts video series.

We will learn about cat behavior meaning and different cat behaviors and what they mean and what cat behaviors really mean. After you learn how to understand cat behavior you will essentially know how to understand cat. And you will receive answer to the question - why do cats behave strangely.
So, lets explore cats and keep learning cats by learning cats behaviour.

This is a series of cat fact videos including some cat facts you didn’t know. And there are things about cats you didn’t know but those are things about cats you should know, especially, if you have a cat or plan to get a pet cat or have cat as a pet in your home or house or apartment.

So, watch these videos with things you need to know about cats and learn some cool things about cats. Among best things about cats is that you can enjoy practically every moment of interaction with your pet cat.
Therefore, these are educational videos about cats with cool facts about cats things you wanna know.

This cat video series include pet cat care tips and pet care tips for cats. Hopefully, learning cat facts and facts about pet cats will help you to learn how to keep a pet cat or how to keep a cat generally.

There are good reasons why are cats pets. Many reasons for the fact why cats are the best pets are explored in these cat videos.

Learn how take care of cats and how to care for a pet cat. Find out cat tips for beginners as well as cat tips and hacks in this cat hacks video. #catvideos #catvideo #catphoto

Music from: www.bensound.com
Stock footage www.pexels.com, www.unsplash.com.

we keep talking we keep talking about uh cat's behavior based on my observation my cat for almost 14 years now the cats that i deal with and let's talk about how cats express love right for their owner or say how they express their affection and good positive attitude towards owner there are different ways they can now to you they can you know just uh walk around with you just follow you around because it means they want to be with you and just be around you it means they are you know they trust you and you are like important figure in their life obviously one of the easiest ways is when they when you take them when they allow you to take them into your hands uh and they don't fight back it's a sign of complete trust and they do when they start purring foreign uh it means they really like their experience when they purr it means they like the experience if they don't purr and look for any uh you know good moment to escape it means they they may still like you but they may not like the you know you handling them they may not like being handled but some cats like being handled it depends on the cat other signs of expression of you know trust affection or friendship or just good relationship is when they are you know the head button and they they try to touch you kind of walk around you get very close they they fall and roll around on the on the couch or on the floor it means they really that means they really want your attention at this particular moment and um other things so one of the most it's kind of not that unusual when cat goes somewhere and hunts something a toy an actual maybe a small animal like a rodent and brings if if you let your cat go outside and brings that prey whatever they hunt the catch the game to you it means they really really really like you because and you really consider understand that you do something important for them and you're very important figure for them they they do it only to the closest you know creatures to the closest beings they don't do it just for anybody else they only do it to people they really trust and really like

because if cats don't like somebody they will even not come close to that person they will not let that person come close to them or touch them god forbid they can bite they can kick they can do anything and they will not play with that person if cat doesn't consistently doesn't want to play with somebody it probably means that that cats for some reason that doesn't trust that person maybe doesn't like that person whatever reason could be maybe that person smells like another cattle like a dog uh because that person you know deals with dogs or something like that it could be any little things like we humans may not like something in another person just something ridiculous cats also may find something unattractive doesn't necessarily mean they don't like the person at all but maybe they don't like i don't know maybe smell of gasoline or something like that another sign of trust obviously when cat allow you know sleeps on you when you sit watch tv get jumps on your jumps on you and just lays down and falls asleep it's it means a cat really that you really gained cat's trust all right and cat trusts you with all you completely because your sleeping is the most vulnerable vulnerable time in the nature so in essentially rubbing their head you know uh against your legs against your against you or against things that belong to you even it usually means that cat likes this particular person that other of those things and wants to mark them as cats own and that is this is how they show their essentials this is how they show their affection because they say to the world oh this is i like it this is mine i want this to be mine and about rolling on around on the back you have to understand belly is very important body part for any animal so if if cat shows his or her belly to you it means you gain the trust of the cat alright see you in the next video you can check the links below in the description on this video thank you have a nice day

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