D.I.E., the war against competence and reason

2 years ago

They have declared war against civil society, and since they brought the war to us, into our very homes, we are given two choices, admit defeat or wage war against this attack on Western Liberal values and free market individual economic liberty called derisively by the radical left as Capitalism.

The vlog attached to the notes in my vlog is a must watch. It is entitled “D.I.E. must die” by renown author and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B Peterson. In it he explains why he was forced to leave U of T in spite of loving his job and being committed to his students to maintain the highest academic standards, a sentiment the vast majority of his students, both under grad and post grad, shared with their caring mentor and learned professor. His leaving U of T was driven by an agenda that is absolutely antithetical to academic freedom and good civil law! On top of which the ideology behind him leaving is the godless, devilish, unnatural, perverted, pagan, dystopian path to perdition which in my opinion must be eradicated by any and all mean necessary.

You might find it remarkable, or even difficult to believe, the lectures, personal slights, and accusations I've received from some of the leading cultural, diplomatic, bureaucratic, and political elite, as well as from award winning musical luminaries and publicists who have labelled me everything but a tin sandwich blowing, roots music loving, Angelo-Sexstoned, anti-authoritarian as they insisted that their version of social engineering was the epitome of right thinking. Now that they falsely believe that they have gained control of the officially sanctioned narrative and therefore represent the cultural and political elite, they do nothing but honk on the MAN's bobo, sing songs of his praises, and shame and vilify those whom they thought were "one-of-them" for daring to state D.I.E. means death to individual freedom and competence itself!

I've been stating this for years and was labelled as a psychopath for doing so. My psychopathy has nothing to do with the validity of my assertions, however. By Terry Glavin in in the National Post: “A cold war with China and its authoritarian allies is inevitable”


You sons of a bitches who have not only ignored my constant warnings about Cancel Culture, the Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity religion corrupting all our institutions, and your moronic Woke ideology eroding the very foundations of civil society, while personally insulting me for warning you where your ideologically possessed stupidity was leading us, in particular into a relationship with the CCP and its laboratory in Wuhan and where Pfizer BioNTech was engaged in gain of function experiments that the West helped to fund. Literally helped to fund a bioweapon which due to our naïve and idiotic cooperation with Communist China has murdered millions, destroyed our economy, and crushed our civil liberties under the emergency measures which Western governments informed us were necessary without them even once mentioning their relationship with the CCP. Well, your unrelenting belief in unlimited government overreach has been the nation's, and in fact the entire West’s, ruin.
I will have my day of reckoning with you and I'll do more than just insult you.
I was asked, "What will you do with more freedom?" and now I ask of you, "What are you doing now that the state has robbed you of liberty, created a supply chain crisis with run away inflation? Soon your lives will become unaffordable!"

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