Eucharist Pre-Constantine Era VII

2 years ago

VIII. Origen of Alexandria (185-254) Early Theologian. Alexandria center of commerce, culture , influential Christian communities
- the Eucharist as the divine mysteries in which we know the flesh and blood of the Word of God (On Leviticus 10)
- new paschal feast is kept by eating the flesh of the Word60 (Contra Celsum 8.22)
- concrete reality of the Eucharist: “when you receive the body of the Lord, you protect it with all caution and veneration lest any small part fall from it, lest anything of the consecrated gift be lost” (On Exodus 13.3)

Losing fragments of the Host, study on unconsecrated host.
Accessed Jan 19, 2022

Visible particles cold be seen. Bsp Schneider not under obligation to receive in the hand.
So much caution and care, inherently protective to the faithful. God does not need protecting, we do.

Satanist get hold of Host, woe to the soul who aided the desecration.
Accessed Jan. 19, 2022

IX. Summary of Sources (NT-Origen)
Offered at an altar
Pure thanksgiving
Special day
Special place
Proclamation of Christ’s death
Food for eternal life
Treated with reverence
Not common food and drink, even if initiated within a meal
the Last Supper cannot simply be identified with the Christian Eucharist
the Last Supper —with its connotations of thanksgiving, offering, sacrifice, and cultic Passover, quite recognizable for a first-century Jew— does appear as the “generative moment of the institution of the Eucharist,” and the historically substantial root of its content.

- 40 days after Resurrection, what did Our Lord teach the apostles?
- Restatement of Basil’s wise words

Basil mentions the unwritten traditions known to all, such as the sign of the cross, eastward prayer, and the words pronounced over the bread and wine: “As everyone knows, we are not content in the liturgy simply to recite the words recorded by St. Paul and the Gospels, but we add other words both before and after, words of great importance for this mystery. We have received these words from unwritten teaching.”

Any words written down, ascribed to someone else, spoken first. Can write them down because spoken. Modernist arrogance, naturally smarter because came after, where did knowledge come from. Chesterton stand on shoulders of giants.

Boethius 500 rediscovered Aristotle 500’s. Save us Lord from dark period. No guarantee that a Notre Dame rebuilt. Repeat Beethoven no guarantee. Not doomed to repeat goodness.

Practical Suggestion. Adoration, Holy Eucharist, unite tabernacles around the world and forlorn in reparation.

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