How Does Jesus Sacrifice Save Us From The Penalty of Sin?

3 years ago

God [through Christ] has made it possible for human beings to be released from their death penalty for sin and begin moving towards a resurrection unto spirit born, everlasting life.

In this message we are going to walk through this teaching by breaking it down into 8 points and provide scriptural references to show where the teaching is found in the bible.

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How Does Jesus Sacrifice Save Us From The Penalty of Sin?

God shows His great love for the created world through His great acts of love. This love is demonstrated, seen, and experienced through His great plan to save human beings... who have all brought upon themselves the penalty of eternal death for their sins... through the life death and resurrection of His only begotten Son... Jesus Christ.

Although He [Jesus Christ] was without beginning or end... He was God... and He was with the other who was also God... He submitted to being born as a human being named Jesus. This Jesus live a perfect human life... without any sin whatsoever... although experiencing temptation on all points. Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice to pay the penalty of death for all humanity.

Jesus Christ should also be recognized as the member of the God family responsible for the creation of the universe. Therefore, His life is of greater value than the sum total of all human life and is therefore enough to pay the penalty for everyone has, or whoever will, live.

In paying that penalty God [through Christ] has made it possible for human beings to be released from their death penalty and begin moving towards a resurrection unto spirit born, everlasting life.

This sequence of sin, sacrifice, redemption, and resurrection has always been God's plan for the human beings He created.

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