R&B Medical War Crimes #23 - Fake Torah Against Walder + Shuey Finkelstein

2 years ago

Erev Rav Eliyahu and company present smokescreen and even make up Torah sources to defend the witch hunt and kangaroo court against Chaim Walder.

Link #1 https://chananyaweissman.com/article.php?id=398
Link #2 https://mishpacha.com/the-moment-has-arrived/
Link #3 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=4618298561619441&id=314191358696871
Link #4 https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/rabbi-shmuel-eliyahu-this-is-why-we-ruled-chaim-walder-guilty/2021/12/29/

Then repeat guest Shuey Finkelstein (Episode #16) shared information about federal payoffs and bribes (known as grants) to CHEMED and Jewish schools to push their covid agenda.

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