3 years ago

Health Information That May Save Your Life!
20 HEALTH BENEFITS TO EARTHING, In This Link: https://www.gethealthyandgrounded.com/blogs/articles/20-benefits-to-earthing - In ancient times, humans have not known footwear. Many of them do activities without the use of footwear. However, as the times progressed, many people used footwear to walk. However, did you know that walking without using your footwear will get the health benefits of grounding walking barefoot? Let’s look at the benefits below.

The benefits of grounding walking barefoot for health are:

Improve blood circulation
Smooth blood circulation will make the nutrients and oxygen can be spread throughout the body well. The effect the body will be healthier. RunBare states that barefoot can help balance the body and send messages to the brain. Without the use of footwear, then the blood circulation for the feet will increase

Can reduce inflammation
according to RunBare, free radicals responsible for inflammation can be reduced by grounding. Because inflammation that is not handled properly will cause other diseases that are more dangerous. Read more about benefits of coriander leaves

improve sleep quality
are you among those who have trouble sleeping? Maybe you have insomnia. To fix this, you need to walk with your feet to form a soil can make a negative ion enter the body. negative ions that help improve your sleep quality. Or you can try health benefits of sleeping without underwear

as free reflexology
Lallaus’Lab claims that when you walk barefoot on an uneven surface then it’s the same as a free massage in health benefits of thai massage. Uneven ground surfaces can provide a massage effect on the nerve points that are on your feet.

Reduce the risk of heart disease
Based on a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine states that the health benefits of grounding walking barefoot can reduce blood clotting and coagulation

Increases posture
According to the Medical Daily, grounding exercises small muscles in the legs. Then the brain notices the foot signals, thus increasing the posture

Improve fitness
Based on studies, older people who walk on the rock can improve fitness better than the ordinary parents who walk

Lowering aches and pains
By grounding the nerves will be more relaxed and the body will get positive energy so that pain and pain can be reduced

Can prevent deformity
Deformity or foot shape changes can also be prevented by routinely doing grounding. Read more about health benefits of going barefoot

Good for reduce stress
Stress can be experienced by anyone. And walking barefoot can reduce a person’s stress level by making the mind more fresh and relaxed.

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