Former investment banker Mads Palsvig lecture on how to end poverty

2 years ago

Mads Palsvig is the chairman of the danish political party JFK21. He has a background as a investmentbanker working in Hong Kong and London and was trading government bonds. He was involved in givning advice to the swedish government in 1991 after the interest rates in Sweden peaked at 500%. Despite being a succesful investment banker, he lost his job after asking some questions to the member of the board of the Federal Reserve Mrs Janet Yellen at a dinner. Palsvig asked questions regarding why the actions taken by banks such as IMF always led to imposing more debt to countries which already had problems paying their debt. Yellen was not amused by the questions, according to Palsvig, and some weeks later Palsvig was called to the office of his boss and was told his services were no longer needed. Ever since, he has tried to get a job, but no firm seems to want to have him working, despite his previous successful career Palsvig believes he has been blacklisted in the field.
Today he is informing the world about the cons of the economic system, and has started a political party who wishes to reform the money supply system and end world poverty.

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