Childcare Program - TDS is Alive & Well

2 years ago

How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing

Many people have long suspected that governments sometimes attempt to indoctrinate their people to increase the government’s own power and influence. Unfortunately, ambitious governments will not stop at merely controlling what their people can do; they must control their minds.

Indoctrination happens through many channels—entertainment, speeches, and censorship––but its main instrument is the school system. Teachers have a captive audience of malleable young minds for several years. They may not have figured out how to make students smart and productive, but they can at least make them submissive and obedient.

Critical Race Theory In Canadian Schools

Children are being indoctrinated to accept the critical race theory concepts of systemic racism, white privilege, intersectionality, power, allyship, and more.

Though many people—especially Canadians—remain in denial over the prevalence of critical race theory in schools, many public educators are committed to indoctrinating your children into accepting critical race theory. Children cannot oppose them, but you and I can. That’s why I’m in the middle of producing a curriculum on critical race theory for you and your children. American parents are successfully pushing back against critical race theory in American schools, we should start doing the same.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is Alive and Well in NY

It seems to be only human nature to play the blame game when something goes wrong. After all, no one wants to be found at fault for something terrible. And so we look to those most likely to be responsible.

We ask questions like Who was closest to the event, what surrounding circumstances could have played into it, and who could have done something to stop it.

And in most cases, the answers lead us right to culprit. However, if that person or party isn’t the one we thought, we humans have a nasty habit of shifting that blame elsewhere, making far-reaching accusations that are all too often very biased.

Democrats are still suffering from Trump derangement syndrome

It wasn’t so long ago that the entire Democrat establishment and biased mainstream media took the position that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. That was false.

Legions of leftists conspired to mislead the American people about the veracity of Christopher Steele’s dirty dossier. But it turned out to be Russian disinformation. For the past several years, scores of Democrat politicians irresponsibly advanced the baseless claim that the duly elected president of the United States was a Russian asset. That was a dangerous lie that did damage to our Democracy.

It took five years, an avalanche of false news stories, a special counsel investigation and grand juries, countless congressional investigations and untold millions in taxpayer dollars flushed down the toilet to discover that it was all a political hoax devised by Hillary Clinton and her cronies. Now, the same Democrats — along with RINO Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger — are asking the American people to forget all that and believe them this time

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