"If vaccines now don't protect you from getting and spreading COVID, WHEN will it do those things?"

2 years ago

"You have the right to accept or refuse treatment that is offered to you."

I am known as Lilith and I am one of the 100,000 standing strongly against mandates. I have two stories to tell you.

Once there was a house fire. Three teenage boys and their parents made it safely outside the burning house, but the parents suffered from smoke inhalation and required conveyance to hospital. The whole family had tested positive for COVID and were isolating. All had been vaccinated. Instead of going to hospital together to mourn the loss of their home together, to be isolated together in efficient isolation rooms at hospital, they were split. The boys were recommended to enter the community into another person's home, COVID positive.

Once, an elderly mother had a fall down the stairs. She had a potential head injury, she spoke no English, was frail, was frightened and confused after falling. Her daughter traveled with her, hoping to stay with her mother, to look after her, to soothe her, to explain to her what was happening, only to be told that there was a peak of COVID cases and that she was not allowed to be with her mother. Both had been boosted.

There is a loss of humanity and compassion occurring in the NHS and in the world. There is an obsession with a disease that is not being ceased with vaccination, vaccine passports, testing or restrictions. While we focus on those who are not complying, we are refusing to see the real truth. Are these measures really working? In less than 12 months we applied, tried and failed, and we continue doing the same thing.

Now they are trying vaccine mandates. If the NHS lose the fight against mandates, all of society will lose their right to freely choose. For when does you health stop becoming your health? When the government says so. I want to remind the public of real rights within the NHS constitution for England. You have the right to accept or refuse treatment that is offered to you.

I'm requesting that you challenge the NHS. You have all chosen to be vaccinated and boosted to be safe, yet still we are being separated at our time of need. If vaccines now do not protect you from getting COVID and do not stop you from spreading it, then when will it do those things? Certainly not when mandates become legislation. Say 'No' to vaccine mandates. You have the right to accept or refuse treatment.

SOURCE: https://together.togetherdeclaration.org/videos/paramedic-speaks-out-against-vaccine-mandates/

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