BREAKING Boris Johnson ends compulsory vaxx passports, masks, work from home guidance starting 27/1

2 years ago

Finally some common sense. The narrative is collapsing.

Johnson may have done the right thing for the wrong reason, considering the enormous political pressure he is under right now in relation to illegal parties of his staff during countrywide lockdown. Absent this political pressure, he might not have eased the ineffective tyrannical restrictions this early and this much. However, the right thing for the wrong reason is less bad than the wrong thing.

Of course, government, media and pharma can always invent a new scare any time they want, and use that as a excuse to introduce new restrictions.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ― H. L. Mencken

Segment has been taken from 9 minute long video, which can be viewed here:

There are some additional common sense points in the longer version, such as getting rid of mandatory self-isolation sooner than was earlier decided, treating COVID like the flu. However, there are also a lot of self-congratulatory statements of all the 'successes' of the Johnson administration.

Example are:

1. Being the first in Europe to start a vaccination and booster campaign. Not said: ...thus also being the guinea pig with the first vaxx adverse events;

2. Creating "a world-beating testing program, the largest in Europe". Not said: ...being the country to waste billions on useless testing of healthy people, while not treating sick people early. Billions that also could have been invested in health care capacity and countless other uses.

He's also talking about "cutting-edge antivirals to protect the most vulnerable". I have no idea what drugs he's talking about. Is it molnupiravir, the hyper expensive drug that's enormously more expensive and less effective than alternatives such as ivermectin and fluvoxamine, and also extremely dangerous since it can create cancer due to the risk of also changing the host's DNA?


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