Bad Heat Exchangers

2 years ago

When I was doing HVAC work stuff like this happen all the time when I was working for crooks

How many companies did I work for that were crooks over a period of 45 years? about 98% of all of them

This unit was on top of Lubys and the people I worked for had a contract with Lubys to maintain all of their package units and this is a good example of how that company was ripping off Lubys big time

They told me, the last guy there only took ten minutes to light it off what is your problem?

Told them well the last guy who checked it has left it with big holes in the heat exchange for a minimum of five years now, You should fire that incompetent buffoon that almost killed people

If you own a commercial building in Austin Texas or any where in the US I'm here to tell you more than 98% of HVAC companies do things just like this

Not only that they on purposely over charge units know then it will knock them out and they then can sell them a new unit which is why you would get a bill saying they topped off your unit which is a $50,00 fine for doing that

If you have a single person tell you, Oh we had to put Freon in it then that means #1 they are totally incompetent as there is no such thing as Freon but there is a thing called refrigerant of which is what takes the heat out of your house

Not only that if they say that and the ticket does not say they fixed a leak you can make $10,000 by reporting them to the TDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation) because they are looking for them fudds and depend on you to report them

There is a $50,000 fine for any company that does that is where you will get the $10,000 from for reporting them but odd as it seems a bunch of stupid people never do that and believe everything them crooks say

Lubys was one of them companies who had no clue they were charging them huge fees for doing nothing whatsoever for the last ten years

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