Doctor Ordered to Have Psych Evaluation After Prescribing Iv*rmectin | Guest: Chris Kohls | 1/18/22

2 years ago

An MIT-educated doctor who prescribed COVID patients iv*rmectin and hydr*xychloroquine had her medical license suspended and was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. The Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine voted to suspend the doctor’s license for 30 days after accusing her of circulating “misinformation.” Yes, a doctor had her license suspended for the crime of practicing medicine that didn’t fit the prescribed narrative. The Bay Area Rapid Transit service is refusing to release surveillance footage of crimes due to concern that the videos might perpetuate racial bias and stereotyping. Who exactly are they trying to protect by not releasing the footage? One can assume it’s likely not white people. We’re joined in-studio by Chris Kohls, a writer, journalist, pundit, and host of the “Mr Reagan” YouTube channel.

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