Daughter warns America about Remdesivir and FDA Killer Protocol

2 years ago

Kristy's husband and father were treated at the same hospital. Both received Remdesivir. Her husband, the one who survived, also received Ivermectin from an "Angel in a Lab Coat."

Kristy provided this personal and painful account so that you or your loved one might be saved from what she and her family endured. As with almost all of these cases, dropping off her loved one at the hospital was the last time she saw her father alive in person (aside from fleeting moments through aquarium glass).

#1 Takeaway: treat with Ivermectin as prophylaxis, early and even late. It works in contrast to Remdesivir that tortures and kills you.

#5 Humanity Betrayal Remembrance Project records the experience of "Kristy" who tells her story about how patient abuse, remdesivir (veklury) and other drugs, imposed by FDA killer protocol, stole her dad from her family.

We are gathering evidence, recording it (including victim witness accounts) to assist law firms and enforcement agencies in the United States in seeking justice.

Victims of Remdesivir are welcome to join our Remdesivir Support Group and Action Committee for Justice by emailing FDAdeathProtocol@formerfedsgroup.org

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