Klaus Schwab introduces Xi Jinping about so called Vaccination and control

2 years ago

Klaus Schwab at Davos 2022

Opening statement on 17-01-22 in which he introduces the President of China Xi Jinping, who in his speech emphasizes "the importance of vaccines - to ensure their equitable distribution, quicken vaccination and close the global immunization gap."

( SO: global QR domination by way of mandatory vaccines)

Schwab: "It is my distinct honour and great privilege to introduce his excellency Xi Jinping, president of the 'Peoples" Republic of China"

✒Depending on who you ask, it is not much a "Peoples" republic however #camps

All is falling into place.

WEF is a !private! organization and Rutte, Kaag, Merkel, Macron, Kuipers are a member. Your country is in business with WEF in regard of the global vacc-rollout and introduction of the global 2G Co2 Social Credit System.

If you are not Awake now, it is probably never going to happen

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