Rookie Dutch MP Calls Out PM Rutte, Speaks Truth To 'Great Reset' Power

2 years ago

In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Gideon van Meijeren was recently elected to the Dutch Parliament. It’s very likely that his candidacy reflects Dutch citizens’ increasing disgust with the government’s endless extensions of its newly acquired COVID power over the people.

This video shows van Meijeren, during his first official appearance in Parliament, asking Prime Minister Rutte a question. It’s a brilliant video because van Meijeren sticks to his guns as the Prime Minister sneers at him and at all those who are no longer on board with the world establishments’ COVID narrative.

You will witness one of the great moments of someone truly speaking truth to power. Also, for an added smile, be sure to keep your eyes on the young woman sitting behind van Meijeren

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