The Rom Report: January 18, 2022

2 years ago

Many years ago, I went on a surf trip to Costa Rica. One of the guides was a Venezuelan with a lot of skill. His turns were smooth, he had power and he knew how to get the most from the wave. After watching him for a full day, though, I realized his cutbacks and tailspins weren’t the best part of his surf. There was something else that separated him from the pack.

His real edge was patience. He would sit out back and wait. The rest of us would paddle battle and scrap for every wave that came rolling through. The mighty Venezuelan would wait for us to jump on all the smaller waves, then a big set wave would come in and he was the only surfer left in the lineup. He would casually paddle into a bomb, then carve it up for the next 40 seconds. He was an artist with an entire ocean as his medium.

It took me a long time to fully incorporate the lessons I learned from the Venezuelan into my own surfing. I don’t live on the beach, so when I get there my initial reaction is to jump on every wave I can, big and small alike. Then I think about that day in Costa Rica. I remember how graceful the guide was and even though it was his job, it seemed like he was the one having the most fun.

September was the last time I surfed. A hurricane way out at sea was pushing in great waves, and I had 3 nearly perfect days. I didn’t catch the most waves of my life. I didn’t do the best tricks or get barreled each time. Instead, I slowed things down and got lost in the beauty of the rising sun shimmering over the glassy water. I watched the offshore breeze feather back the tips of the waves right at the peak of their power. I sat outside waiting for the set waves, then carved them up when they rolled through. I felt smooth and strong as I picked off some of the best waves of the day. There was a level of enjoyment I’ve rarely felt my entire life. It was sublime.

Your trading and investing can become sublime. It takes patience and a belief that great trades will present themselves. When they do, you will be in the perfect position to take advantage of them, especially if you’ve been conserving your energy, waiting for that set wave to roll through.

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