‘Vax dates’: Victorian Government urges teens to get the jab without parents’ permission

2 years ago

Video Link here: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/teens/vax-dates-victorian-youth-body-urges-teens-to-get-covid19-jab-without-parents-permission/news-story/d9516cd5d90aed4032f156dfd43aa001
You heard it right! The Victorian State Government of Australia has funded a Tik Tok video urging teenagers to get the jab without their parents permission. The age of the teen's date is also highly questionable with people claiming the date on the vax passport is in the 1970's which would make this "date" illegal. The government is encouraging children to lie to their parents and may even be signalling the children to date adults romantically.

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