According2Sam #100 'Learn to Live'

2 years ago

During a debate in the 2020 campaign for the presidency Donald Trump commented that we have to learn to live with Covid-19, suggesting that it would be apart of our world forever and we had to get on with our lives. To this Joe Biden scoffed and said, "We're learning to die with it"! Biden said that the idea that we would learn to live with the virus was unacceptable, and he promised many times during that campaign to, "shutdown the virus", suggesting he planned on succeeding where President Trump had failed to eliminating it. However, as we approach President Biden's first year in office he has failed to shutdown the virus. He has failed to supply the nation with rapid testing, another criticism that he made of President Trump. Now he and many others are admitting President Trump was right, and we will have to learn to live with the virus. What other ways is President Biden failing to meet the standards that he set for President Trump in response to Covid-19, and how are he and the media trying to change the messaging? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #100.

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