ITCCS Common Law Court Verdict Jan 15, 2022

2 years ago

Sorry for the shoddy footage as the original kept getting taken down before we could obtain a copy.
Global Breaking News, January 15, 2022 (GMT)

This groundbreaking announcement announces the conviction of those involved in global genocide. It gives every man and woman on the planet the authority to seize and destroy any and all Covid-19 paraphenalia. At the same time, we can arrest anyone who is named in the verdict for crimes against Humanity.

The court was convened by five magistrates and a court prosecutor in Vancouver on September 15, 2021. The magistrates participated in the previous two ICLCJ cases. Then and now, their identities are kept anonymous for their own safety, as with the prosecutor, since fifteen of our witnesses have been killed in the course of our three trials. (See the list of names in the Indictment).

Just prior to the court convening in August, I was subjected to chemical attack that severely threatened my life and accounts for the large kidney stone I;m dealing with now, so the threat and danger was real, and required anonymity.

The court ran according to due process and the rules of evidence.; the defendants were legally summoned and given the right to legal counsel, but they failed to. Because of targeting and harassment, the court reconvened at three separate locations and held teleconferences with the main court in Brussels.

The documents and complete evidence will be released over time, but since further cases are being planned against other Pharma companies, protecting witnesses and future litigation will determine how much is released, and when.

Our concern is to stop the criminals, not pander to nay sayers and doubters, or to justify ourselves. The truth and legitimacy of what we do lies in our results, which have been proven in practice by our forcing a pope and three cardinals out of office. That only happened because we were cautious in how we operated in the face of huge and violent adversaries.

Frankly, I’m surprised how people forget who it is we’re taking on: mass murderers, and the biggest corporations on the planet. Do people really expect us to publicly reveal the identities of our leading people? When we did in the past, they died or disappeared.

Thanks for understanding. More to come.
Kevin Annett

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