Revelation Lesson-28: An Unholy Trinity - Part I

2 years ago

This is Lesson-28 in the series “Come Lord Jesus!” from the book of Revelation.

The title for this lesson is: An Unholy Trinity - Part I.

Our focus passage is Revelation 13:1-10.

In our previous episode, we concluded our teaching from Revelation 12, “Satan’s Folly, Failure, and Fury”.

In that chapter we studied yet another perspective on what will occur during the last days, the days of the Great Tribulation.

Satan was foiled in his attempt to destroy the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the One who will rule the nations with a rod of iron (cf. Psalms 2:8-9; Rev. 19:15).
At the end of this age, Satan will also persecute the elect remnant of Israel, but they will be protected by God and Satan will then be enraged and will unleash his full fury on this earth.
Yet, Satan will ultimately fail in all his efforts. He is no match for Almighty God. From our study of Revelation 12 it’s very clear that:
God is in control. Of all things. At all times. His plan to redeem the world will be accomplished.

In today’s lesson we begin our study of Rev. 13. As we begin today, let me remind you of something we should not ever forget: Satan is a liar and the father of lies.
He is the great deceiver of the whole world. And in chapter 13 of Revelation, we will see Satan’s ultimate counterfeit: an unholy trinity.
In this chapter we see these two characters that will join with Satan to form this counterfeit trio: the beast from the sea (the Antichrist) and the beast from the earth (his top lieutenant, the False Prophet).
In today’s lesson we will focus on the beast from the sea (v1-10). Next time we will look at the beast from the earth (v11-18).

Let’s get started.

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