MLK: Why America May Go To Hell

2 years ago

Why America May Go To Hell by Martin Luther King Jr.

And I come by here to say that America, too, is going to hell if she doesn’t use her wealth. If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of God’s children to have the basic necessities of life, she, too, will go to hell. And I will hear America through her historians, years and generations to come, saying, “We built gigantic buildings to kiss the skies. We built gargantuan bridges to span the seas. Through our spaceships we were able to carve highways through the stratosphere. Through our airplanes we are able to dwarf distance and place time in chains. Through our ubmarines we were able to penetrate oceanic depths.”

It seems that I can hear the God of the universe saying, “Even though you have done all of that, I was hungry and you fed me not, I was naked and you clothed me not. The children of my sons and daughters were in need of economic security and you didn’t provide it for them. And so you cannot enter the kingdom of greatness.” This may well be the indictment on America.

Bernice King expounded upon the triple evils Dr. King talked about often, a theme that gets passed over in favor of the more fantastical “Dream” rhetoric. “My father spoke on the triple evils that threaten us as a society. He called those evils poverty, racism, and militarism. [Addressing these evils] is going to require a fundamental shift in values. It will require a fundamental shift in our entire economic system.”

Bernice King also revealed that one of her father’s last speeches, which he was never able to deliver, was to be titled, “America May Go to Hell.”

Putting forth a challenge to the new generation of activists, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, which she praised, Bernice King added, “Sometimes in our zeal for change, we don’t connect the dots. My father pushed for legislation and policy change, and also the economic component. I challenge the new generation to do this as well. To strategize concretely and focus on their demands.”





Vs. Case No. 97242-4 T.D.




Honorable James E. Swearengen, Judge presiding.

The Circuit Court of Shelby County, Tennessee, 30th Judicial District at Memphis, December 8th, 1999

This is the verdict that the jury arrived at, after a trial that started on November 16, 1999. The King family praised the verdict in a press conference the next day;

"There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr. And the civil court's unanimous verdict has validated our belief. I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations. This verdict is not only a great victory for my family, but also a great victory for America. It is a great victory for truth itself. It is important to know that this was a SWIFT verdict, delivered after about an hour of jury deliberation. The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame. I want to make it clear that my family has no interest in retribution. Instead, our sole concern has been that the full truth of the assassination has been revealed and adjudicated in a court of law. As we pursued this case, some wondered why we would spend the time and energy addressing such a painful part of the past. For both our family and the nation, the short answer is that we had to get involved because the system did not work. Those who are responsible for the assassination were not held to account for their involvement. This verdict, therefore, is a great victory for justice and truth. It has been a difficult and painful experience to revisit this tragedy, but we felt we had an obligation to do everything in our power to seek the truth. Not only for the peace of mind of our family but to also bring closure and healing to the nation. We have done what we can to reveal the truth, and we now urge you as members of the media, and we call upon elected officials, and other persons of influence to do what they can to share the revelation of this case to the widest possible audience. I know that this has been a difficult case for everyone involved. I thank the jury and Judge Swearengen for their commitment to reach a just verdict, I want to also thank our attorneys, Dr. William Pepper and his associates for their hard work and tireless dedication in bringing this case to justice. Dr. Pepper has put many years of his life, as well as his financial resources, into this case. He has made significant personal sacrifices to pursue the search for the truth about my husband's assassination..."

Who killed Martin Luther King Jr.? His family believes James Earl Ray was framed.

Celebs and relatives of Martin Luther King Jr. call for new probe into his death ahead of his public holiday as they claim his assassination and JFK, RFK and Malcolm X's killing were conspiracies covered up by the government

A group of at least 60 US citizens including journalists, lawyers and historians are calling for new investigations into four history-making assassinations

The Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) has called for probes into deaths of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy,
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

TRC also wants a public inquest, to elicit 'testimony from living witnesses, legal experts, investigative journalists,
historians and family members of the victims'

undertaking 'would be modeled on the Truth and Reconciliation hearings held in South Africa after the fall of apartheid,' a statement from TRC said

The Plot to Kill King

A Look at Who Really Killed Martin Luther King

The evidence that James Earl Ray did not kill Martin Luther King is overwhelming. As the Washington Post recently pointed out, famed attorney William Pepper stands astride all of the information and work that has uncovered the truth.

Jeff Schechtman:
What do we know about Raoul?

William Pepper:
Well, we know that he was a Portuguese immigrant, worked for Portuguese Military Intelligence mostly in Africa, Angola in particular. That he came to the United States around 1959, and he was brought in in 1959.

That he was in [inaudible 00:11:53], he got a home in Yonkers, New York, would you believe my hometown, in Yonkers, New York. He was given a job with the General Motors plant in North Tarrytown, for which he could have sent himself whatever he needed to. It was an assembly line job, whatever he needed to have sent himself, he could do that.

He was seen frequently with Jack Ruby, so he was known to Ruby. He was known to all of Ruby’s girls, so they saw him in the club with Ruby.

He had a range of those kinds of connections, and his job was to take control of James, move him around, keep him where they needed him for the profile, for using him, for a patsy. So, he had him in Los Angeles for a period of time. They were initially going to hit Martin King in Los Angeles.

It was a puzzle to everyone, and then I realized that they had that decision, somewhere along the way had been made to take Bob Kennedy out after he won the California primary, which is what he was expected to do and what he did do. They couldn’t have two assassinations within a short period of time in the city of Los Angeles. So they moved this group into Memphis where they had everything they needed.

They had [Brian?Colliman? 00:13:56] put in as head of fire and police. He had worked in Hoover’s office for a number of years, was very close to Hoover. Hoover had a very close relationship with the Dixie Mafia, who were based in the Memphis area, and the Russell Adkins group were very powerful associates of Marcelo, but local, that’s why they’re Dixie Mafia, local guys. They were masons, they were clansmen, all of Marcelo’s people were not clansmen, but the Dixie Mafia guys were all clansmen, as well as being Masons. They did a lot of, obviously, a lot of dirty work for Hoover. Clyde Tolson had a witness, the Adkins family.

The youngest son, who finally decided to tell all, was an incredible witness. Tolson came in many times. He was told to call Tolson ‘Uncle Clyde’. He was liaising with the old Russell Adkins on the details of the assassination. This was a Hoover-Tolson operation. Tolson would come in regularly. I have photographs of Tolson with the Adkins family.

Hoover sent Tolson, Clyde… everybody should know, Clyde Tolson, he was Hoover’s number two, as well as being his lover. Clyde Tolson came in with instructions and $25,000 in cash. That $25,000 in cash was taken to the prison and given to the warden. We know that because Russell Adkins’ son John, who became my witness under oath, John rode — at that point he was only 16 — he rode along with his father to the prison while they gave the warden the money to organize James’ escape.

James did escape. He had a determination to get out of North America, not just the United States, but North America. He wanted to go off to Africa, and so he stopped along the way to work, but he worked one job or another as he made his way north. Eventually, he went to the port in Montreal, after he was given an alias. He was given the alias Eric S. Galt, because Galt worked as a… was in charge of a warehouse that had a high classified weapons materials and if he was, if James was ever stopped, he had the identification of Galt, he would be able to be released immediately.

Percy proceeded to, I guess, [parage? barrage? 20:49] James with the reasons why he should plead guilty to save his life and James, you know, was very confused. Finally, Percy said, “I’ll give you $500. If you plead guilty, I’ll give you $500. I’ll give it to your brother. Your brother can then go and hire a new lawyer after the guilty plea, set it aside, and you can have your trial.” That was what Percy Foreman did, and he wrote the check for $500 and I have the letter that goes with the check that showed that he was buying his client’s plea, effectively.

I did the first book in ‘95, and the second book after the civil trial. When James died, and we had nowhere to go in the American judicial system, but to start all over again, we decided on a civil trial when the King family sued Loyd Jowers, who we had boxed into admitting his involvement in the killing, and he was led to believe by his lawyer, that if he cooperated with us and the King family — I was representing the King family — that he was likely to get a very lenient sentence for anything that he had done.

So Jowers confessed everything, no, not everything, but mostly everything, to myself and Dexter King and then to Dexter and Andrew Young. So, we went into the civil trial in ’99. It took that jury — we had a trial that went on with 70 witnesses, 30 days — took that jury 59 minutes to find that agents of the government of the United States, state of Tennessee, city of Memphis, were responsible for the liability of the assassination of Martin Luther King. Loyd Jowers had a minor liability. James Earl Ray had none.

Well, it became evident to me when I had eyewitness testimony of Clyde Tolson coming in with instructions from Hoover and bags of money that were placed in the Adkin’s table in their workshop with names of informants like Billy Kyles on it and finally, when the witness gave me the complete story of the Adkins family involvement and slowly, and slowly we got the final proof of how Martin King died. He didn’t die from the bullet wound. He was injured. He was taken into the emergency room, and the head of neurosurgery, named Dr. Breen Bland came in at one time when they were working on him and said, “Stop working on that nigger and let him die.” He had two men in suits with him. “Now get out of here, all of you.” He cleaned the emergency room out. And as she was going out, a surgical nurse heard them gathering spit up in their mouth and at the corner as she she turned around, she saw the three of them spit on his body.

Then she saw Dr. Bland take the pillow and put it over his face and head and suffocate him to death and he was still alive when Bland did that. Now, that’s just one witness. You usually need two. Well, the second one was the son of Russell Adkins. Breen Bland was the family doctor of the Adkins family and John, Tyler Adkins told me he was, he attended a meeting two to three weeks before the assassination, where Bland told his older brother: “Make sure if the bullet doesn’t kill him, to take him to St. Joseph’s hospital and we’ll make sure that he doesn’t leave there alive.” So that was an independent corroboration of Bland’s intention and he carried it out, late on the day on April 4, and made sure that Dr. Martin Luther King was dead.

William H. Schaap, Radical Lawyer and Critic of C.I.A., Dies at 75

As a lawyer, he defended Columbia University students arrested in 1968 for occupying campus buildings to protest the war in Vietnam. In the late 1960s, he left a Wall Street law firm where he was an associate and moved to Japan and Germany with his wife,
Ellen Ray, to counsel resisters to the war in Vietnam.

In 1976, they formed what became CovertAction, a publication that reported on illegal Central Intelligence Agency activities. It also identified C.I.A. agents by name, from unclassified sources, a practice outlawed by Congress in 1982. Mr. Schaap also represented C.I.A. whistle-blowers, like Philip Agee.

In 1980, in a letter to The New York Times, Mr. Schaap, Ms. Ray and Louis Wolf, the editors of what was then called The Covert Action Information Bulletin, wrote, “We do not object to intelligence gathering; we object to the covert interference in the affairs of other nations, the refusal to let the people of those nations decide for themselves upon their leaders, their systems of government and the forms of institutions they desire.”

In this 8-part series Dr. William F. Pepper leads the co-publisher of Covert Action Quarterly, William Schaap, through a history of US Government Approved disinformation, beginning with examples in WWI and then WWII, when things really began to take off. The techniques of disinformation that the government employed during war-time were carried over into peace-time under the aegis of the Cold War. Schaap sites specific examples of CIA and FBI disinformation, concluding with Hoover's FBI attacks on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
(may need to use internet archive with following CIATUBE links)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 (due to tape changes, some footage is lost in this section, please refer to transcript)
Part 7
Part 8

Please support the NYC 911 Ballot Initiative, and give Dr. Pepper and the Commission he will be a part, subpoena power to get some real answers about 9/11;

Video footage from the 1999 Martin Luther King Conspiracy Trial, courtesy William F. Pepper.

The eight video parts here are of the testimony by expert witness, Attorney and Professor Emeritus William Schaap in the November-December 1999 Memphis, Tennessee wrongful death lawsuit trial of Loyd Jowers and co-conspirators in the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Schaap gave his testimony on November 30, 1999.

The jury of six whites and six blacks found Jowers guilty of involvement and that the US government was involved in carrying out the assassination.

William Schaap's testimony concerns the US government's near-total control over the major media (i.e., news agencies, newspapers, etc.) and its extensive use of disinformation campaigns (i.e., outright lying on a massive scale) targeted against the US public. His testimony is based upon US government primary-documentation divulged in US Congressional hearings and the resulting reports, as well as by the testimony of named government officials involved in the disinformation operations.

The transcript of Schaap's testimony is available at the following link:

Martin Luther King’s vision and policy calls on race, economic exploitation and war are – arguably – more relevant now than then.

Fifty years ago, Rev Dr. Martin Luther King said: ‘The Triple Evils of POVERTY, RACISM and MILITARISM are forms of violence that exist in a vicious cycle. They are interrelated, all-inclusive, and stand as barriers to our living in the Beloved Community. When we work to remedy one evil, we affect all evils.’

Martin Luther King, Jr., "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?"

This article is based on the reporting in Who Killed Martin Luther King?, a documentary made by Otmoor Productions of Oxfordshire, England, and commissioned by the British Broadcasting Corporation. It aired on the BBC in September of 1989.

In 1975, as chairman of the Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities, Frank Church uncovered widespread abuses of power and illegal surveillance activities by the CIA, FBI, and NSA. Church's activities inspired reevaluations by the House of Representatives of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., that later concluded that there were possible conspiracies in both killings. Church's investigations brought to light some of the most subterranean activities of the U.S. government.

Former CIA Participant
Says He Was Part Of It -
Raoul Identified As FBI Agent

By Pat Shannan
Media Bypass Magazine

1968 Martin Luther King Jr. murder case, supplied by an insider who claims to have been part of a "hit team" that had come out of the "Missouri Mafia" headquartered in the town of Caruthersville, a small town in the boot heel section of that state.

former Missouri County Deputy Jim Green reveals his assigned role in the conspiracy, the name of the actual triggerman,
and the long-suspected involvement of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. Green also believes that he possesses the actual murder
weapon, which he personally secreted away only hours after the murder.

"Jim Green is telling the truth," says Lyndon Barsten, an astute researcher of the case over the past decade. "I have no
doubt whatsoever. The pieces he has supplied fit perfectly and could not have come from someone who was not there." Indeed
they do fit, and it is all backed up by
FBI documentation derived by Barsten through numerous FOIA requests. ___

In Tennessee Waltz, Ray told a chilling story of harassment and torture, describing his treatment in the Shelby County Jail,
which sounded as if he were relating experiences from the Soviet Union rather than America. He was kept under floodlights
24 hours a day for eight solid months prior to his guilty plea, never knowing if it was day or night outside. His cell was
"bugged," and two deputies were monitoring and recording every conversation - even those purported sacrosanct exchanges
between client and attorney.

Tired and weakened by the strain, Ray was finally coerced into a guilty plea by his attorney, to whom he referred for the rest of
his life as "Percy Foreflusher."

New Pieces To The Puzzle

Over the years Jim Green's Federal Intelligence connections have become legendary in his hometown of Caruthersville, Missouri.
"He's untouchable," or "He can't be arrested, the feds just walk him out of jail, everybody knows that." But now one must assume
that the Untouchable is fast becoming anathema to his former handlers. Jim has had an attack of conscience and is talking!

"I hope to change a lie in history to the truth about that day in Memphis," says Green, 54, a reformed "bad boy" who spent the first half of his life as a teenage runaway, moonshine runner, and car thief. The last half was spent in law enforcement, raising children, teaching school, and coaching football - along with occasional undercover work. His only source of income today is a social security disability check. Since coming forward with his story, he has refused all offers of any work involving government covert action, for fear of being "set up" and/or killed.

On December 3, 1998, he spent six hours with MLK's son Dexter King, Rev. James Lawson, and William Pepper (Ray's attorney
and author of Orders to Kill, a semi-accurate compilation of facts and conjecture describing the government's involvement in
the King assassination).

"At this meeting, I cleared my soul telling Dexter of my involvement on the day of his father's death," says Green. "I knew there would be many more questions to come, and that's when I decided to put my story in writing."

One of James Earl Ray's brothers has now come forward with information corroborating the FBI's cooperation in James' escape as well as the Chicago mob's participation in the assassination, under the direction of Sam Giancano. John Ray admits that it was he who picked up his brother after his 1967 "escape" in the bread truck and drove him to a safe house in East St. Louis.

Lyndon Barston's detailed research shows powerful evidence implicating the FBI with complicity in a CIA plot.

In late 1964, the FBI had tried to get Dr. King to commit suicide prior to his departing to Europe to claim his Nobel Peace Prize. This was accomplished by sending an alleged surveillance tape of Dr. King in an extra-marital sexual relation to the SCLC with a letter warning that all would become public if Dr. King didn't kill himself prior to his collecting his Nobel Prize.

2] Lab work relating to the murder of Dr. King at FBI Headquarters was dreadfully inadequate. The Remington 30.06 rifle purchased by Ray in Birmingham and deposited at the scene of the crime was not even swabbed to see if it had been fired! Today it still remains as the "official" murder weapon of the MURKIN case. Yet, for some reason, this test was run on even the rifle James Earl Ray had returned to Aeromarine Supply in Birmingham in exchange for the Remington prior to the murder!

Journalist Louis Lomax who later died in a mysterious car crash, was investigating Dr. King's death when visited by two FBI men who instructed him to abruptly end the series of fruitful articles he was producing for the N. A. N. A. Louis Lomax, described as being "no good" in an FBI memo (HQ 44-38861-3196); was a highly respected journalist. It was Lomax who uncovered the deception of the false fingerprints sent out by JeffCity for escaped prisoner James Earl Ray. This strongly suggests the duplicity of both state and federal agencies in the ploy.

The Intelligence Community's relationship with the mob and union racketeers, as described by Jim Green, is highly documented
in the post-World War II era. Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana often described the CIA and his organization as "two sides of the same coin."

Blood and Dishonor on a Badge of Honor will be published later this year. Limited copies of Tennessee Waltz by James Earl Ray
are still available from Pastoral Business, POB 3252, Santa Monica, Calif. 90408. -------------------------------


March 24, 1998: CBS News' 48 HOURS broadcasts "Orders To Kill," a scathing attack on Dr. William F. Pepper, for eighteen years the attorney of James Earl Ray. In 1995, Pepper had released his book by that name, and it is his assertion that his client, James Earl Ray, was a patsy, manipulated to cover-up the real events surrounding Dr. King's death. A hit team, Pepper claims, murdered Dr. King at the request of the Intelligence Agencies of the Federal government. On camera, in his Memphis hotel room only days before, Dr. Pepper is notified of the arrest of his new witness.

(The witness, James Cooper Green, was actually a participant on that bloody day thirty years before. As with most domestic Intelligence operations Jim's job, to murder James Earl Ray after 5:00 p.m. on April 4th, was to be performed on a "need to know" basis. Jim Green was not to be privy to the day's full operations, only his part. He would not learn that Dr. King was killed until he watched the news at ten o' clock that night.)

Jim Green never talks to the 48 HOURS team. After arriving in Memphis in March of 1998 for the specific purpose of going on camera, he is arrested under suspicious circumstances by the DEA and held for ten days on flimsy charges that would later be dropped, long after the CBS team has left town. The DEA report of Jim's arrest describes Task Force surveillance of a room near his in the Memphis Holiday Inn Express. A "possible methamphetamine lab" is operating out of room 165.
Seemingly without reason, the DEA runs a check on the Florida plates of the truck owned by the guests in room 163, James and Linda Green. The investigation report states "registration on the Florida plate came back James (redacted) Green". As with nearly all of the Federal Government's involvement in this case, a seemingly routine document is a lie. The Green's truck was registered to Linda Green, Jim's wife, and was in her name only. The only way the feds could have known Jim was in that car would be if he were under surveillance for another reason.

For nearly a quarter of a century Jim Green has remained silent about his participation in government assassination and abuse. His only breaking of this code was his 1977 testimony before the House Select Committee on Assassinations. When that testimony is made public in 2029, it will reveal that Black C ongressman Louis Stokes of Ohio badgered Jim into silence at those hearings.

The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him
A Review of The Plot to Kill King by William Pepper

A non-violent revolutionary, he personified the most powerful force for the long-overdue social, political, and economic reconstruction of the nation.

In other words, Martin Luther King was a transmitter of a non-violent spiritual and political energy so plenipotent that his very existence was a threat to an established order based on violence, racism, and economic exploitation. He was a very dangerous man.

Revolutionaries are, of course, anathema to the power elites who, with all their might, resist such rebels’ efforts to transform society. If they can’t buy them off, they knock them off. Forty-eight years after King’s assassination, the causes he fought for – civil rights, the end to U.S. wars of aggression , and economic justice for all – remain not only unfulfilled, but have worsened in so many respects. And King’s message has been enervated by the sly trick of giving him a national holiday and urging Americans to make it “a day of service.” Needless to say, such service does not include non-violent war resistance or protesting a decadent system of economic injustice.

Because MLK repeatedly called the United States the “greatest purveyor of violence on earth,” he was universally condemned by the mass media and government that later – once he was long and safely dead – praised him to the heavens. This has continued to the present day of historical amnesia.

Before examining the essentials of Pepper’s discovery, it is important to point out that MLK, Jr, his father, Rev. M. L. King, Sr, and his maternal grandfather, Rev. A.D. Williams, all pastors of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, were spied on by Army Intelligence and the FBI since 1917. All were considered communist sympathizers and dangerous to the reigning hegemony because of their espousal of racial and economic equality. When MLK, Jr. forcefully denounced unjust and immoral war-making as well, and announced his Poor People’s Campaign and intent to lead a massive peaceful encampment of hundreds of thousands in Washington, D.C., he set off panic in the bowels of government spies and their masters. Seventy-five years of spying on black religious leaders here found its ultimate “justification.” As Stokely Carmichael, co-chairman of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, said to King in a conversation secretly recorded by Army Intelligence, “The man don’t care you call ghettos concentration camps, but when you tell him his war machine is nothing but hired killers, you got trouble.”

He presents the case of Donald Wilson, a former FBI agent working out of the Atlanta office in 1968, who went with a senior colleague to
check out an abandoned white Mustang with Alabama plates (Ray’s car, to which Raul had a set of keys) and opened the passenger door to
find that an envelope and some papers fell out onto the ground. Thinking he may have disturbed a crime scene, the nervous Wilson pocketed them. Later, when he read them, their explosive content intuitively told him that if he gave them to his superiors they would be destroyed.

One piece was a torn out page from a 1963 Dallas telephone directory with the name Raul written at the top, and the letter “J” with a Dallas
telephone number for a club run by Jack Ruby, Oswald’s killer. The page was for the letter H and had numerous phone numbers for H. L. Hunt,
Dallas oil billionaire and a friend of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Both men hated MLK. The second sheet contained Raul’s name and a list
of names and sums and dates for payment. On the third sheet was written the telephone number and extension for the Atlanta FBI office.
(Read Jim Douglass’s important interview with Donald Wilson in The Assassinations, pp.479-491.)

Pepper interviewed four other witnesses who confirmed that they had seen Raul with Jack Ruby in Dallas in 1963 and that they were associated.

Pepper shows that the alias Ray was given and used from July 1967 until April 4, 1968 – Eric Galt – was the name of a Toronto
operative of U.S. Army Intelligence, Eric St. Vincent Galt, who worked for Union Carbide with Top Secret clearance. The warehouse
at the Canadian Union Carbide Plant in Toronto that Galt supervised “housed a top secret munitions project funded jointly by the CIA, the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Center, and the Army Electronics Research and Development Command …. In August 1967, Galt met with Major Robert M. Collins, a top aide to the head of the 902nd Military Intelligence Group (MIG) Colonel John Downie.” Downie selected four members for an Alpha 184 Sniper Unit that was sent to Memphis to back up the primary assassin of MLK. Meanwhile, Ray, set up as the patsy, was able to move about freely since he was protected by the pseudonymous NSA clearance for Eric Galt.

To refute the government’s claim that Ray and his brother robbed the Alton, Illinois Bank to finance his travels and car purchase
(therefore no Raul existed), Pepper “called the sheriff in Alton and the president of the bank; they gave the same statement. The Ray brothers had nothing to do with the robbery. No one from the HSCA, the FBI, or The New York Times had sought their opinion.”
CNN later reiterated the media falsehood that became part of the official false story.

Pepper proves that the fatal shot came from the bushes behind Jim’s Grill and the rooming house, not from the bathroom window. He
presents overwhelming evidence for this, showing that the government’s claim, based on the testimony on a severely drunk Charlie Stephens, was absurd. His evidence includes the testimony of numerous eyewitnesses and that of Loyd Jowers, the owner of Jim’s Grill, who said he took the rifle from the shooter in the bushes and brought it into the bar where he hid it. Thus, Ray was not the assassin.
He presents conclusive evidence that the bushes were cut down the morning after the assassination in an attempt to corrupt the crime scene. The order to do so came from Memphis Police Department Inspector Sam Evans to Maynard Stiles, a senior administrator of the Memphis Department of Public Works.

He shows how King’s room was moved from a safe interior room, 201, to balcony room, 306, on the upper floor; how King was conveniently
positioned alone on the balcony by members of his own entourage for the easy mortal head shot from the bushes across the street.
(Many people only remember the iconic photograph taken after-the-fact with Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young, et al., standing over the fallen King and pointing across the street.) Pepper implicates that Reverends Billy Kyles, Jesse Jackson, and, to a lesser extent, Ralph Abernathy were involved in these machinations. He uncovers of the role of black military intelligence agent Marrell McCollough, attached to the 111th MIG, within the entourage. McCollough can be seen kneeling over the fallen King, checking to see if he’s dead.

Pepper confirms that all of this, including the assassin in the bushes, was dutifully photographed by Army Intelligence agents situated
on the nearby Fire House roof.

He presents evidence that all security for Dr. King was withdrawn from the area by the Memphis Police Department, including a special
security unit of black officers, and four tactical police units. A black detective at the nearby fire station, Ed Redditt, was withdrawn from his post on the afternoon of April 4th, allegedly because of a death threat against him. And the only two black firemen at Fire Station No.2 were transferred to another station.

He names and confirms the presence of Alpha 184 snipers at locations high above the Lorraine Motel balcony. He explains the use of two white mustangs in the operation to frame Ray.

He proves that Ray had driven off before the shooting; that Loyd Jowers took the rifle from the shooter who was in the bushes; that the
Memphis police were working in close collaboration with the FBI, Army Intelligence, and the “Dixie Mafia,” particularly local produce dealer Frank Liberto and his New Orleans associate Carlos Marcello; and that every aspect of the government’s case was filled with holes
that any person familiar with the details and possessing elementary logical abilities could refute.

So importantly, Pepper shows how the mainstream media and government flacks have spent years covering up the truth of MLK’s murder through lies and disinformation, just as they have done with the Kennedy and Malcom X assassinations that are of a piece with this one.

Comparisons between US immigration policy and the Nazi period may not be helpful, but they are hard to avoid Deborah Lipstadt recently rejected comparisons between the Holocaust and the Trump administration’s separation of families at the southern border of the United States. “Equating the two,” she wrote in the Atlantic Monthly, “is not only historically wrong, it is also strategically wrong.”

How the Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow

To craft legal discrimination, the Third Reich studied the United States.

How American Racism Influenced Hitler
Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism

Why the Nazis Loved America
American Nazis parade on East 86th St. in New York City around 1939. American Nazis parade on East 86th St. in New York City around 1939.

Hitler’s American Dream
The dictator modeled his racial campaign after another conquest of land and people—America’s Manifest Destiny.

~ClassWar ~AntiWar ~ BDS ~ Covid1984 @hatethemachine

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