Frequency Wars: The Agenda from Beyond

2 years ago

What’s with all this alien buzz we are hearing about lately? Is something being set up? Why this recent big push to bring awareness of ET's to the public? Could we be witnessing an off-planet agenda with the use alien of technology?

We are taking a deep dive into these questions with Researcher, Medical Intuitive, and great-granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower as well as Author and Founder of Global Enlightenment Project, Dr. Christopher Macklin.

As the public continues to be desensitized to an ET presence by governments and worldwide MSM, how will the average God-fearing, left in the dark citizen handle this knowledge? Will we be able to shine a light on the truth while the insidious measures of false flags and high-level deception blinds us? The plot thickens.

Wednesday at 11am EST:

#frequencywars #theagendafrombeyond #extraterrestrial #ET #aliens #galacticfederation #whatsgoingon #openyoureyes #openyourmind #uncensoredmedia #uncensored #transparency #united #uimedianetwork

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