How To Build Past The Height Limit In Minecraft

2 years ago

Today I will be showing you how to build past height limit in Minecraft Java.
If you like the video,

Commands :
/execute at @s align xyz run tp @s ~0.5 ~ ~0.5
/summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~ ~ {NoGravity:1,Time:-10000000,BlockState:{Name:"Block_Here"}}
/summon shulker ~ ~ ~ {NoAI:1}
/effect @e[type=shulker,distance=..3] invisibility 99999 0 true

Instructions :
Once you run the first command, stay still until you have run all the commands.
in the *_second_* command, replace Block_here with stone, oak_planks or
any other block (Don't delete the "" around your block choice).

Credit goes to Mysticat, check out his video too ^_^

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