CEO Felt Importance of Hope and ‘Remembering Where We Come From’ After Shen Yun

2 years ago

After its last few performances in San Francisco, Shen Yun left audience members feeling inspired and hopeful.

“Very inspirational, very happy, very content. It’s true and it resonates that way,” said Gary Bhej, a real estate investor.

“I get exposed to a great deal of trauma through stories of the folks that work for me, so for me to be able to come here, it was an opportunity to [breathe] and enjoy it,” said DeVone Boggan, CEO of Advance Peace. “I think the biggest thing I got was divine, creation, Creator, and the importance of hope and remembering where we come from, as a people, as a human race.”

“To see the parallels between the eternal or heavenly realm and the earthly realm—and I think there's just a desire for all of us to see beyond just what we can see with our physical eyes,” said Gaylord Enns, a minister.

Shen Yun means the beauty of divine beings dancing. Like most of traditional Chinese culture, it draws inspiration from the heavens. Shen Yun’s mission is to revive the ancient culture that was nearly destroyed or forgotten under decades of communist rule.

“We're living in a time of uncertainty, anxiety. And it's really easy to get caught up in all of that noise and lose perspective,” Boggan said. “Hope and being brought back to the divine, and reminding folks, or at least exposing folks who may not be conscious or conscientious of the divine, of how important it is to always remember where we come from. In understanding the divine, that can give you hope, and knowing that this too shall pass, we will get past this.”

“I think all of us are struggling right now with culture, and an attempt to change the culture and modernize it,” Enns said. “So I think that's a noble thing. I think there's a lot to learn from our histories and our cultures.”

Shen Yun will perform in Escondido Jan. 13 to 17.

NTD News, San Francisco

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