Final Fantasy Tactics Dissidia MOD - South Figaro - Enter Vincent

3 years ago

This battle was a hard one. Finally got passed it on the 5th attempt. Thought about nerfing it a little, but went against it. It is a good challenge. Anyone know where the Lilith's cane came from?

Warrior of Light - Seushiro
Lightning - thebill11
Shadow - Master Grand, Lijj
Tifa - Twinees
Dark Knight - CidIII, Mando
Ashe - Yuna
Generic White Mage (Refia) - Lijj, Color edits by me
Deis (Maria) - Zozma
Locke - Bloodthirster0
Firion - Spite: Unknown, Portrait: KazeKasano
Lulu - megef2010
Wolf Knight - Sprite: Wolfran, Portrait: Lijj
Beatrix - Zozma
Generic Male Black Mage (Black Waltz) - Lijj
Lamia - Kagebunji, Twinees
Moogle - Unknown
Gilgamesh - Conman
Vincent - Twinnes

Expanded Roster Hack - Glain

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