Summit for (capitalism without any) democracy w/ Pat Byrne

3 years ago

"On the Barricades" — s03e35 #onthebarricades

In the second part (part one — of our discussion with Pat Byrne on the outcomes of the Summit for Democracy, which was held in early January, we discuss how American and other Western organizations manipulate political realities in Eastern Europe (and elsewhere) by claiming to be intervening in favor of democracy or against corruption. However, from the standpoint of those two concepts, the situation in the United States is rather bleak. Anyone with an interest can see that America's democracy is in crisis, and that corruption is not only legal, but also built into the structure of Congress's work, with all of the lobbyists and overwhelming corporate power.

Furthermore, Boyan Stanislavski and Pat Byrne discuss neoliberalism, which clearly appears to be essential in terms of organizing international capitalism today, despite many people, including those on the left, claiming that neoliberalism is no longer the dominant ideology of the Anglo-Saxon ruling classes. Pat explains how it is still the central idea and how it leads to the gradual abolition of any form of democracy, even the hampered version based on elections.

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