New Zealands Covid-19 Vaxathon Children for 5-11 year old's 7 COLLAPSE Media ignore it

3 years ago

7 Children between the ages of 5-11 years old collapse at drive through VAXATHON in New Zealand, Auckland North shore region -
1 News (New Zealand's mainstream media, govt funded) refuse to report on the collapsed children right after vaccination the only report given by them was encouraging everyone to bring their children down to the "fun" Vaxathon now I must add that i have written evidence that the staff refused to call ambulances and told the parents to take the children to hospital themselves as they dont want to frighten the other in line away - watch for yourselves and decide if NZ is as squeaky clean as presented to the world - Please follow my channel to keep up to date O am new and will ramp up soon with a more formal presentation in the future

This video was taken by Liz Gunn (free lance reporter) and her team trying to help find out truth regarding New Zealand's role in 5-11 year old's FIRST roll out that started 17/01/2022. watch as the gentleman in Blue VODAFONE (media sponsor) assaulted the man filming in the end invites him over the his house for a more formal conversation.

This video has exposed our 1 News teams deliberate pushing of the narrative "safe and effective" regime.
watch how someone outside of NZ media norm Govt funded entities that never cover any negativity regarding Covid 19 medical procedure or govt over stepping.
I can confidently say that the news is funded by Govt and china hence our silence on the concentration camps from New Zealand Ministers.
This is world wide and Newzeland is not exempt from the Covid regime.
I will find the videos regarding these points and have links to their other locations if still there.

I love my country but this is total embarrassment and state sponsored manslaughter - we are not exempt from govt over reach and terrany

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