33:3 NEWS - Sounding The Alarm on MYSELF!! Steven Furtick Compares Jesus' CRUCIFIXION To LIL NAS X!

2 years ago

A. W. Pink says this regarding Exodus 20:16 (The 9th Commandment):

"In it's widest application, this commandment has to do with the regulation of our speech, which is one of the the distinguishing [ I misquoted and said 'disgusting' in the video] and ennobling faculties that God has bestowed upon man. Scripture tells us that "death and life reside in the Power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21)... Negatively, the ninth commandment forbids all false and injurious speeches respecting our neighbor; positively, it inculcates the conversation of TRUTH...Veracity is the strict observance of truth in all our communications. The Value of those statements which we accept from others depends entirely on their veracity and accuracy. if they are false, they are worthless misleading, and evil. Veracity is not only a virtue, but it is also the root of all other virtues and the foundation of all right character... The positive form of this commandment is found in these words: "Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor." (Zech. 8:16). Thus the first sin prohibited therein is that of LYING. Now a lie, properly speaking consists of three elements or ingredients: speaking what is not true; deliberately doing so; and doing so with intent to deceive. every falsehood is not a lie; we may be misinformed or deceived and sincerely think we are stating facts., and consequently have no design of misleading others."

In and episode of CCR Weekly released on Nov. 1 2020, I [Trey] covered stories on John Piper writing a piece for Desiring God that encouraged people to get jabbed because "freedom". And while I stand by nearly all I said in regards to John Piper being a false teacher, there were some instances where I Crossed the line and judged Piper's mind and heart and even accused him of being a liar. Based on the information above I have no way of knowing whether Piper was intentionally deceiving or just deceived himself and was therefore wrong to accuse him. Above is my public repentance and apology for bearing false witness against John Piper.

*** Overlays from MTC Tutorials***

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