Another Way

2 years ago

Finding a deeper meaning for life, only if we are willing to look again

That's what Re-Spect means from its Latin origins: To look again

To re-cognize life is sponsoring us and demands a re-sponse from us

To respond to being alive by using the abilities we have been given in order to protect those aspects of life we have control over.

To be grateful for the way life is spontaneously supporting us, using our abilities to act in our lives in a way that ensures the protection of other life around us, not just enslaving everything on this planet for our own selfish gain.

To re-cognize means to re-align ourselves in sync with the greater truth of life that exists as principles to look up to, that can not be seen unless the time is taken to look again, to actually respect life correctly

Using our abilities the right way they were intended for, responding to life in a truly meaningful way

To become truly response-able, in our lives by making responsible actions that actually protect all the vulnerable aspects of life that are in need of our support.

To be able to stand up to do what is needed to do, to maintain a balance in life as was designed, needing our assistance to ensure it stays that way.

Our true responsibility to life, embossed deep in the meanings of these important words we use, set up in place, not by accident, but as the core structure of how language functions proving a higher truth and showing us examples of this greater truth in our real lives.
There in place as a sign for us to take note of and change our ways.

The opportunity to change is always there, deep within our hearts where our motives come from, if we are willing to take a deep look at ourselves, to start to contemplate the greater meaning of life that is silently asking us to stop ignoring it.
To know that this is undeniable if we are willing to recognize it is there.

To find the correct template within our own nature, the one that makes us truthful and unique human beings.

Humankind-ness, our greatest asset

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