We are in a Physical War! Take a Stand Today! Support Our Military! Defend Our Children!

3 years ago

I met a guy who works in El Dorado County a few days ago. He was in the Navy, but has since left. He speaks regularly with six friends that are still serving. All six of them died by the Covid binary bioweapon injection within 30 days of taking it.

His friend standing near him said he saw a story that 200,000 service members have left the military due to them trying to force the injection on them.

Another friend of mine on Facebook was deployed about two months ago for service. I asked him about the Covid injection disrupting the military. He told me that 10% to 12% have left the military.

We do not know currently how many service members are ticking timebombs who will get Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and die down the road - or by heart attacks and strokes.

This additional proof, on top of the pages upon pages of information I already have, shows that we are literally in a physical war by any legal definition of war as used in International law or according to the Department of Defense Law of War Manual.

A binary bioweapons attack on our military moment by moment is physical in nature because bioweapons are physical objects that can be touched. and seen.
Additionally, there have been many verified examples in the media of kinetic attacks using conventional weapons. There are believable examples of other attacks that have not yet been fully substantiated by the media. We have the attack on the critical infrastructure - the voting system - which is bigger than Pearl Harbor and equal to a nuclear detonation. Additionally, we have 500,000 Americans dead on US soil from being denied medical treatment for Covid. We have 500,000 dead from the binary bioweapon injection. We have numerous others dead from missing treatment and diagnostic testing for conventional illnesses. We have numerous others dead from mental health issues due to Covid restrictions. We have many more who will die from ADE in the future. The attack on our children with the Covid binary bioweapon injection, the face masks, the PCR test, the social distancing, the lockdowns, the intentional psyops of fear are causing irreversible brain damage to our children due to lack of oxygen and due to physical and emotional abuse in the school system! Jesus said, "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." We need to stand up and defend our children, our military, and our people!

By all measures of any legal definition, we are in a physical war moment by moment AND we have lost more service members since than in all the wars combined since WORLD WAR II. Worldwide, the war will claim more lives than the lives taken by Hitler in the concentration camps in Germany in World War II!!! The average legal award for each person who lived through the pandemic is 50 million dollars! Those awards will collapse the medical system, school system, and many parts of the government. The criminal charges will capture everyone who took part in the genocide.

I say act accordingly- how any good American would act while being attacked moment by moment by enemies foreign and domestic.

The DMV is coercing ALL employees to sign over their genome via the PCR test. They are abusing the DMV employees screaming and yelling at them to sign the papers or they will be fired. The union is not protecting them. The DNA is being harvested in China by the CCP/PRC military to create bioweapons of mass destruction.

I publicly told the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors this information long ago, but nobody listened. About three weeks ago the FBI's Weapons of Mass Destruction Team leader met with LA County Sheriff Villanueva to tell him to put a hold on his 18,000 employees from taking the PCR test. The Sheriff called the LA County Board of Supervisors to tell them he would not take the OCR test, but the Board of Supervisors replied to him that all his department's personnel files have been given to the genomic lab which is partnered with the CCP/PRC so now 18,000 social security numbers, phone numbers, addresses, etc. have been given to those who have pledged publicly to kill us. This is mainstream media LA Times and many other sources. Many Americans are okay with all that is happening under this attack. At some point there will be a red line, however, so stay ready!

Oh, Congressman Jim Jordan just confirmed in Congressional hearings what I said here regarding DNA so there is more corroboration as to what I have said for many months now.

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