Thorium/MSR Applications Beyond Clean Energy

2 years ago

Clean coal, no more landfills, abundant drinking water, cheaper and more efficient cars, cheaper gasoline, and curing cancer. What do all of these have in common? They are all side effects of using thorium and the molten salt reactor!

In this episode of Rock Logic, we discuss the applications of using thorium and the MSR:
-Cleaner, cheaper coal to be used as liquid fuels
-Turning landfills into synthetic natural gas
-Help makes America a dominant figure on the global stage for oil drilling and refineries
-Provides load following for intermittent renewable energies (solar and wind)

In addition, we discuss the fringe benefits of using the MSR:
-Cheaper aluminum
-Excess heat waste desalinates water for free, leading to cheaper and more abundant water
-Byproducts are rare medical isotopes used in curing cancer
-Future tech: can be used in space exploration and terraforming.

Thorium can give humanity clean, pollution-free energy.

Be sure to subscribe for next week’s episode, where we talk about rare earth elements - what they are, how they're mined, and the national security issue that comes with current government restrictions on them.

0:00 Introduction to the Subject
1:25 Energy sources used today
2:31 Fossil fuels and renewables work with Molten Salt Reactors
3:20 Coal turned into liquid fuels to power cars using MSR
7:02 Natural gas from trash/eliminating landfills
8:08 Petroleum/Oil processing and powering refineries with MSR
9:33 Solar and Wind Renewable Energy using MSR as load following
12:53 MSR can run on light water reactor nuclear waste
14:00 Aluminum and Steel Manufacturing
15:20 Water Desalination
16:09 Medical Isotopes used in curing cancer
17:05 Nuclear energy in space exploration
19:32 Wrap up

#thorium #moltensaltreactor #climatechange #cleanenergy #nuclearenergy

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