APACT: 2022/01/14 - Red Pilled vs Paranoid

2 years ago

What Is Red Pilled And When Does It Go Too Far

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) talk about being 'red pilled.' The term refers to the experience of waking up to a reality that you'd been ignoring… or opening your eyes to something you didn't want to see. But being red pilled is often an unsettling experience and can drive rational people to believe in irrational things. How do you avoid the paranoia without re-swallowing the blue pill?

In current events, earthquakes and volcanoes rock the world. France outlaws the non-vaccinated. The Philippines outlaw child marriage--but give perps a year to normalize their marriages. Fire in New York envelopes 19 story building. New quarters to commemorate American women. Russia argues with US over Ukraine tension--America folds, Poland threatens war. Doctors implant first pig heart. Twitter is back in Nigeria. Union Pacific wants train robbers to be tried. Sexual assault convict in Virginia--identity to be hidden. Texas mother puts boy in trunk. Chicago students walk out.

In the land of nonsense, plane on Ohio license plate flies backwards. Intruder trapped in chimney. Florida asks woke people to leave. Man climbs electrical tower and needs rescue.

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