Pensioner claims botched surgery means he hasn't been able to close his eyes for nearly THREE YEARS

2 years ago

A pensioner claims botched surgery means he hasn't been able to close his eyes - for nearly THREE YEARS.

Pete Broadhurst, 79, splashed out £11,000 on a cosmetic procedure to fix his puffy cheeks in 2019.

But, even after corrective surgery, his left eye is still permanently open - causing him constant problems.

Pete has to tape his eyes shut when he sleeps and use drops eight times a day to prevent them drying out.

He says he looks "frightening" as his eyes stay open even when he wants to close them - and claims his appearance has cost him relationships.

Pete, a retired painter and decorator, is speaking out now to warn others about the dangers of surgery.

He said: "Getting on the bus one day a man said, 'my God, what's happened to your face?'.

"I was already feeling down it just made it worse. Now I'm only worried about getting my eyes comfortable.

"It's gone beyond how I look. I just want relief. I want to tell others to be careful because it can ruin your life."

Filmed on the 15th January 2022.

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