Emotional Healing

2 years ago

How to be set free from those negative emotions / feelings that are associated with a traumatic life event.
How To:
Experience Freedom from the Emotional Trauma of a Negative Life Event

What do I mean? ... Have you ever found yourself - suddenly experiencing - the feeling of fear or dread - as you just saw something - that reminded you - of an event - that took place in your life - some 10 years ago? ... Have you found yourself having difficulty - driving through a certain part of town - because of a negative experience you had - years ago? ... Have you had your stomach get all knotted up ... when you see that - certain person in the grocery store - you had words with 2 weeks ago? ... We all have life experiences that trigger us ... Those particular memories - that sends us to that place - of negative feelings ... That place - that we wish we could once - and for all - get set freed from ... Well today, God wants to set you free! ... So, if you are ready to experience freedom - - let's jump in

Preparation Step
1. Find a quiet place - where you will not be disturbed - and can focus on the task at hand

2. If you do not have a particular event / traumatic experience in mind yet ... Ask God - to bring to your mind - the event - He wants to set you free from today

3. Ask God - to help you - in the process you are about to enter ... Say out loud - something like - “God - will You help me - get rid of all the negative feelings associated with - (now, name the experience / traumatic event) - - Remember, the actual event is part of your life's journey ... You will never forget the event ... What you are seeking - is a removal of the negative feelings you have - that are associated with the event. ... Your desire is emotional healing.

4. Once you are comfortable and ready to proceed ... Let’s go to Step #1

Process - Step #1
1. Go back in your mind and remember the traumatic event ... Remember as much of the event as possible ... In a sense, - the best you can, - put yourself right back there ... Don’t worry, you are not there - it is just a memory ... The better you can re-connect with the event - the more success you will have in getting freed from it.
Now, - if the event is related to some type of sinful behavior - you should not have partaken in ... Ask the Lord - to forgive you - for your participation - in that event - - even if you were an unwilling participant - and then believe you have received His forgiveness.

2. Once you are connected to the event ... Allow yourself - to feel the negative emotions - associated with that event ... It is ok - it is only a memory ... It is the feeling you want to get rid of - so it is important that you re-experience them - just like you did - at the actual event.

3. Identify the strongest negative emotion ... If possible, - you want to attach a name to the feeling - such as - fear - anger - dread - guilt - shame

Step #2
1. Ask Jesus to take away the negative emotion you just identified ... You can say out loud something like this - - “Jesus - will You please - take away this feeling of (name the negative emotion) from me? ... I no longer want to experience this feeling of (name the negative emotion) anymore - when this event - comes to my mind.”

Step #3
1. Ask Jesus - to heal that part of your heart - that has been hurt by - this painful emotion ... You can say out loud something like this - - “Jesus - will You please heal that place ... in my heart ... that this feeling of (name the negation emotion) has caused ... I no longer want that place in my heart - to hurt any longer.”

2. If you feel it is necessary ... You can also ask Jesus - to fill that place in your heart - that was hurt by that negative emotion - with a positive emotion ... You can say out loud something like this - - “Jesus will You please remove that feeling of (name the negative emotion) and would You please replace it - with a feeling of (name a positive emotion)

The Test
1. Once you are done with this process - - go back and remember that traumatic event ... How do you feel? ... Do you feel that negative emotion - that you just asked Jesus to remove? ... If not, - thank Him - for setting you free from it - and healing your heart

2. Now - once again - go back to the traumatic event - and see if there are any other negative emotions - tied to this event ... If you discover another negative feeling ... Repeat this process - until all negative emotions are removed - that are associated with - this traumatic event.

3. Make emotional healing a regular practice in your life ... Once you become triggered by an event - set aside a time to go through this process ... Being triggered is a clear indication that you have an emotional hurt you need freedom from.

There are some events - where you may need the help of another person - to help you walk through the process - as all traumatic events are not equal ... So, feel free to reach out to me ... I am here to help you - in any way possible ... Remember - Jesus came to set the captives free ... No longer be a slave to an event that happened years ago ... Experience the freedom that Christ already paid for on your behalf ... Until next time - Be Blessed

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