David Martin_ Prosecuting Those Behind COVID Mass Murder • December 2021

2 years ago

They have a world view that doesn't see the world as a generous effusive live supporting place. They see it as the playground of the elite. They see it as those who want to have this giant global system that has them at the top of dictating to, not of humanity, but a surf-class of dependance and manipulative individuals. They see the world as a better them and a lesser us.

Please check the video (& channel) where I copied the video from @ MyCatholicRedPill - The video description has valuable info/links.

Kill Shots vs Saline. Who got a kill shot and who got saline? Maria Zeee Interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

PREMEDITATED MASS MURDER? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Upcoming Legal Battle Against Gates, Fauci & Tedros.

The experimental Jab is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremburg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.
VIDEO: https://www.nurembergcode.org/

This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.

Alex Newman, The New America: https://thenewamerican.com/author/alex-newman/page/2/

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