One Day, When I was Dreaming

3 years ago

Have you ever had an experience so marvelous that in retrospect it seemed almost a dream? Did you ever revel in moments of heightened awareness, of hyper vitality - magical days, those times when you lived in wonder, and day dreamed while others slumbered numb in their cocoons? Did you ever rejoice for a time in simply being, and look back with sweet pain, wondering if it all were really a dream?

Let us loose the bonds we have unwittingly bound! In rapturous splendor let us burst asunder, and sing our liveliest tunes, until at last we wake! While we dream, let us savor it as reality.

Redemption Winging

Fated to a dark realm where dwells no peace,
Where weeping and wailing nothing avail,
And the musings of regret never cease,
Where all appeals and prayers falter and fail,
Immersed in the mordant waters of Styx,
Damned to the deepest depths of perdition,
Subject to mortality's cruel barbed pricks,
I have known the ruin of self-sedition.

But hope I have found; a sunbeam streaming,
Redemption winging as a passing dove,
Silver-white through a radiant-cloud dome.
Heaven has arrived, in my soul beaming,
To warm me until I come back to love,
And lend me heart until I return home.

~ Daniel F Mitchell - AOWS Editor

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INOSSI - Wanna Go - Sad Instrumental - Chill Out - Guitar Beat [No Copyright Sound] [FREE USE MUSIC]
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